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generated files

Marius edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Generated files

You can find below a list of files that are going to be generated by the UMC and the conditions for which they are generated.

File Path Description Condition
Module declaration xml app/etc/modules/{{Namespace}}_{{Module}}.xml The module declaration file. This is always generated.
Module RSS block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Rss.php A block added to the RSS feed list Generated if at least an entity has RSS enabled.
Entity admin block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}.php This is the main admin block for the entities. The grid container Is generated if the entity does not behave as tree
Entity admin edit block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit.php This is the entity admin edit block: form container This is always generated.
Entity admin edit form block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit/Form.php This is the entity admin edit form block This is always generated.
Entity admin abstract block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Abstract.php This is a block used as parent for different tree behaving entities blocks This is genereted for entities that behave as tree.
Entity form file renderer. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Helper/File.php This is the rendered for file fields. It is generated for entities that have at least a file field
Tree block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Tree.php This is the rendered for file fields. It is generated for entities that have at least a file field
Entity widget chooser . app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Widget/Chooser.php This helps you choose your widget entity. It is generated for entities that have widgets enabled
Entity product list block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Catalog/Product/List.php Block that lists associated products on entity page. It is generated for entities that are related to products.
Entity category list block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Catalog/Category/List.php Block that lists associated categories on entity page. It is generated for entities that are related to categories.
Entity list on product page app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Catalog/Product/List/{{Entity}}.php This block is used to show the entities related to the product on the product list. It is generated for entities are linked with products and are set to appear in the product list.
Entity list on category page app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Catalog/Category/List/{{Entity}}.php This block is used to show the entities related to the category on the category list. It is generated for entities are linked with products and are set to appear in the product list.
Entity list page app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/List.php This block lists your entities. It is generated for entities that have frontend list enabled
Entity form image renderer. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Helper/Image.php This is the rendered for image fields. It is generated for entities that have at least an image field
Entity RSS block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Rss.php This block handles the rss generation for an entity. It is generated for entities that have RSS enabled
Entity sibling list block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/{{Sibling}}/List.php This block lists the siblings of an entity This is generated for entities that have siblings
Entity link widget block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Widget/Link.php This block handles the entity link widget. Is generated for entities that have widgets enabled
Entity view widget block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Widget/View.php This block handles the entity view widget. Is generated for entities that have widgets enabled
Entity subtree widget block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Widget/Subtree.php This block handles the subtree view widget. Is generated for entities that have widgets enabled and behave as tree
Entity tab on product form app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/Catalog/Product/Edit/Tab/{{Entity}}.php This is the block for the entity tab on the product add/edit form s generated for any entity that is related many to many with products
Entity tab on product form app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/Catalog/Category/Tab/{{Entity}}.php This is the block for the entity tab on the category add/edit form s generated for any entity that is related many to many with categories
Entity view block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/View.php This is the entity view page main block. It is generated for entities that have a frontend view enabled
Entity children list block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/{{Sibling}}/List.php Block that lists the entity child entities. It is generated for entities in parent/child relation
Entity child nodes list block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Children.php Block that lists the entity child nodes. It is generated for tree entities that have frontend enabled.
WISIWYG helper block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/Helper/Wysiwyg.php Helper block for tree attributes with editors Generated if there is at least one tree entity that has an attribute that uses WYSIWYG editor
Element renderer for EAV attributes. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/Renderer/Fieldset/Element.php Renderer used for EAV attribute form Generated if there is at least one EAV entity
Helper for WYSIWYG attributes. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/Helper/Form/Wysiwyg/Content.php Helper for WYSIWYG attributes. Generated if there is at least one EAV entity
Entity admin tabs block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit/Tabs.php Block used to generate the tabs in the admin add/edit form. Is always generated
Entity admin stores tab. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit/Tab/Stores.php From this tab you can select the store to publish your entity. It is generated for entities that can be set to stores.
Admin tab for meta data. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit/Tab/Meta.php From this tab you can set the meta attribute values for the entity. It is generated for entities that have frontend view enabled and meta attributes enabled
Admin tab product relation. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit/Tab/Product.php From this tab you can set the related products to your entity. It is generated for entities that have link to products enabled
Admin tab category relation. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit/Tab/Categories.php From this tab you can set the related categories to your entity. It is generated for entities that have link to categories enabled
Admin siblings tab. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit/Tab/{{Sibling}}.php From this tab you can set the related entities. It is generated for entities that are siblings with your current entity
Admin Entity edit form. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit/Tab/Form.php This is the block with all the entity fields. It is generated for flat entities
Admin Entity attributes form. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Edit/Tab/Attributes.php This is the block with the entity attributes. It is generated for EAV entities
Entity admin comments block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Comment.php Main block for viewing comments. For entities that support comments
Entity admin comments grid block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Comment/Grid.php Grid block for viewing comments. For entities that support comments
Entity admin edit comments block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Comment/Edit.php Main block for editing comments. For entities that support comments
Entity admin edit comments tabs block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Comment/Edit/Tabs.php Tabs for editing comments. For entities that support comments
Entity admin edit comments main tab block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Comment/Edit/Tab/Form.php Main tab for editing comments. For entities that support comments
Entity admin edit comments stores tab block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Comment/Edit/Tab/Stores.php Stores tab for editing comments. For entities that support comments by store
Entity admin edit comments form container block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Comment/Edit/Form.php Form container block for editing comments. For entities that support comments
Entity admin grid. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Grid.php This is the entity admin grid. file Is generated if the entity does not behave as tree
Manage attributes block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Attribute.php Block used for managing EAV attribute Generated for EAV entities
Manage attributes edit block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Edit.php Edit block used for managing EAV attribute Generated for EAV entities
Manage attributes form block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Edit/Form.php Form block used for managing EAV attribute Generated for EAV entities
Manage attributes form tabs block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Edit/Tabs.php Tabs block used for managing EAV attribute Generated for EAV entities
Manage attributes form main tab block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Edit/Tab/Main.php Main tab block used for managing EAV attribute Generated for EAV entities
Manage attributes form options tab block. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Edit/Tab/Options.php Options tab block used for managing EAV attribute Generated for EAV entities
Attributes grid. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Grid.php Grid block used for managing EAV attribute Generated for EAV entities
Frontend comments for entity app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Comment/List.php Block used to display the entity comments on frontend Generated for entities that support comments.
Frontend comments form for entity app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Comment/Form.php Block used to add comments on frontend Generated for entities that support comments.
Entity admin attribute controller. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/{{Entity}}/AttributeController.php Controller used for managing entity attributes Generated for each eav entity.
Module base admin controller. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Controller/Adminhtml/{{Module}}.php Controller used to create other module controllers Generated if there is at least a flat entity.
Router app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Controller/Router.php Router for matching url rewrites Generated if at least one entity has url rewrites enabled.
Entity frontend controller app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/{{Entity}}Controller.php This controller handles the frontend request for an entity Is generated if and entity has frontend pages.
Entity Admin product controller app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/{{Entity}}/Catalog/ProductController.php Controller for handling entity-product relation requests Generated for entities linked many to many with products.
Entity Admin category controller app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/{{Entity}}/Catalog/CategoryController.php Controller for handling entity-category relation requests Generated for entities linked many to many with categories.
Entity comments admin controller app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/{{Entity}}/CommentController.php This controller handles the admin requestion for entity comments. Is generated if and entity allows comments.
Entity admin widget controller. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/{{Entity}}/WidgetController.php This controller handles the admin widget requests. Is created for entities that have widgets enabled
Entity admin controller for flat not tree entities. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/{{Entity}}Controller.php This controller handles the admin entity requests. Generated for flat entities that don't behave as tree.
Flat entity admin controller (tree). app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/{{Entity}}Controller.php This controller handles the admin entity requests. Generated for flat entities that behave as tree.
EAV entity admin controller (not tree). app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/{{Entity}}Controller.php This controller handles the admin entity requests. Generated for EAV entities that don't behave as tree.
EAV entity admin controller EAV Tree. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/Adminhtml/{{ModuleFolder}}/{{Entity}}Controller.php This controller handles the admin entity requests for EAV tree entities. Generated for EAV entities that behave as tree.
Module data install script. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/data/{{namespace}}_{{module}}_setup/data-install-{{version}}.php This holds the data added to the database tables on install. This is generated if there are any tree behaving entities.
Module adminhtml.xml file app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/etc/adminhtml.xml Module menu and ACL settings. This is always generated
Module configuration file app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/etc/config.xml The module configuration file This is always generated
Widget xml app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/etc/widget.xml widget.xml file of the module Generated if at least one entity has widgets enabled
System xml app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/etc/system.xml system.xml file of the module Generated if at least one entity has frontend enabled
Api config file app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/etc/api.xml File needed for API integration Generated if at least one entity support API
WSDL file app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/etc/wsdl.xml File needed for API V2 integration Generated if at least one entity support API
WSI file app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/etc/wsi.xml API xml for WS-I complience Generated if at least one entity has API enabled
Module default helper. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Helper/Data.php This is the default helper of the module. This is always generated.
Abstract helper for image resizing app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Helper/Image/Abstract.php This is the base helper used for resizing images. Is generated if there is at least an image attribute.
Entity image helper app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Helper/{{Entity}}/Image.php Helper used for image processing. Is generated if there is at least an image attribute for an entity.
Product helper app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Helper/Product.php Helper used for product relation actions Is generated if there is at least one entity related to products
Category helper app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Helper/Category.php Helper used for category relation actions Is generated if there is at least one entity related to categories
Entity helper app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Helper/{{Entity}}.php Helper for each entity Generated for each entity that matches one of these conditions. Is EAV or has frontend files or has a file type field or behaves as tree
Adminhtml Observer app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Adminhtml/Observer.php Used for product and category relations Generated if at least one entity is related to product or categories.
Adminhtml Search Model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Adminhtml/Search/{{Entity}}.php Model used by admin global search Generated for each entity that is included in the admin search.
Frontend observer app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Observer.php Observer for frontend Generated if at least one entity is set to have the link in the category menu
Entity model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}.php The entity model. Simple as that. This is generated for each entity.
Entity source model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Source.php Model used as a a source containing all entities Generated if the entity is set to be a product or category attribute
File save backend model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Backend/File.php Model used for saving entity files Is generated for EAV entities
Image save backend model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Backend/Image.php Model used for saving entity images Is generated for EAV entities
Url key save backend model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Backend/Urlkey.php Model used for saving entity url key Is generated for EAV entities that have url rewrites enabled
API model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Api.php API v1 model Is generated if you choose to create the API
API V2 model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Api/V2.php API v2 model Is generated if you choose to create the API
Entity product model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Product.php Model for relations between entities and products Is generated if you choose to link an entity with products
Entity category model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Category.php Model for relations between entities and categories Is generated if you choose to link an entity with categories
Entity sibling model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/{{Sibling}}.php Model for many to many relations between entities Is generated for each many to many relation
Entity resource model. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}.php The resource model for an entity This is generated for all entities
Entity collection resource model. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/Collection.php The collection resource model for an entity Generated for every entity
EAV attribute resource model. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/Eav/Attribute.php Resource model used for eav attributes. Generated if there is at least one entity with type EAV
EAV Entity attribute resource collection model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Collection.php Resource model used for eav attributes. Generated for EAV entities
EAV attribute model. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/Attribute.php Model used for eav attributes. Generated if there is at least one entity with type EAV
Tree resource model. app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/Tree.php Tree resource model for tree behaving entities. Generated for every tree behaving entities
Product relation resource model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/Product.php Resource model for entity product relation Generated for all entities that are related many to many with products
Category relation resource model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/Category.php Resource model for entity category relation Generated for all entities that are related many to many with categories
Product relation collection resource model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/Product/Collection.php Collection resource model for entity product relation Generated for all entities that are related many to many with products
Category relation collection resource model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/Category/Collection.php Collection resource model for entity category relation Generated for all entities that are related many to many with categories
Sibling relation resource model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/{{Sibling}}.php Resource model for entities that are related many to many Generated for all entities that are related many to many
Sibling relation collection resource model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/{{Sibling}}/Collection.php Collection resource model for entities that are related many to many Generated for all entities that are related many to many
Module setup resource model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/Setup.php Resrouce model used for the module setup Always generated
Yes-no-default source model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Adminhtml/Source/Yesnodefault.php A source model that returns 3 possible values Generated if at least an entity allows comments
Attribute model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Attribute.php MOdel used for EAV attributes Generated if at least an EAV entity
Country source model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Attribute/Source/Country.php A source model that returns available countries Generated if at least an entity has a country field/attribute
Dropdown attribute source model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Source/{{AttributeCodeForFile}}.php A source model that returns available dropdown values Generated for all attributes with type dropdown or multiselect in a flat entity
Entity comment model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Comment.php Model to handle entity comments Generated for all entities with comments enabled
Entity comment resource model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/Comment.php Resource model to handle entity comments Generated for all entities with comments enabled
Entity comment collection resource model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/Comment/Collection.php Collection resource model to handle entity comments Generated for all entities with comments enabled
Install script app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/sql/{{namespace}}_{{module}}_setup/install-{{version}}.php Setup script with table structure Always generated
Admin layout file app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/{{namespace}}_{{module}}.xml Layout file for the admin section of the module Always generated
Admin template for product list app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/catalog/product/edit/tab/{{entity}}.phtml Admin template used for product listing in tree behaving entities. Generated for tree entities related many to many with products.
Admin template for category edit app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/catalog/category/tab/{{entities}}.phtml Admin template used for tree entity listing in categories. Generated for tree entities related many to many with categories.
Tree admin template app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/tree.phtml Template used in the backend for the tree for tree behaving entities Generated for all tree behaving entities
Tree edit admin template app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/edit.phtml Template used in the backend for editing the tree for tree behaving entities Generated for all tree behaving entities
Tree edit form admin template app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/edit/form.phtml Template used in the backend for editing the tree form for tree behaving entities Generated for all tree behaving entities
Tree sibling admin template app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/edit/tab/{{sibling}}.phtml Admin template for managing siblings for tree entities Generated for all siblings that behave as tree
Categories admin template app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/edit/tab/categories.phtml Admin template for managing categories Generated for entities that are linked to categories
Admin tree widget template app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/widget/tree.phtml Admin template used for tree behaving entities widgets Generated for all tree behaving entities that support widgets.
Admin EAV grid template app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/grid.phtml Admin template used for grids of EAV entities Generated if there is at least one EAV entity.
Admin EAV attribute edit js app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/attribute/js.phtml Admin template used for editing attributes Generated if there is at least one EAV entity.
Admin EAV field renderer app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/form/renderer/fieldset/element.phtml Admin template used for rendering fields in EAV entities Generated if there is at least one EAV entity.
Frontend layout file app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/{{namespace}}_{{module}}.xml Layout XML file used for frontend Generated if at least an entity is displayed on frontend
Entity list on product page template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/catalog/product/list/{{entity}}.phtml Template for listing entities on product view page Generated for entities that should be listed on the product page.
Entity list on category page template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/catalog/category/list/{{entity}}.phtml Template for listing entities on category view page Generated for entities that should be listed on the category page.
Product list on entity page template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/catalog/product/list.phtml Template used for listing products on entity page Generated for entities linked to products and that show products on the details page
Category list on entity page template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/catalog/category/list.phtml Template used for listing categories on entity page Generated for entities linked to categories and that show categories on the details page
Frontend list children template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/children.phtml Template used to display the entity children on frontend for tree behaving entities Generated for tree behaving entities that have a fronted list page.
Frontend list child template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/{{sibling}}/list.phtml Template used to display child related entities Generated entities that have child entities.
Frontend entity list template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/list.phtml Template used to list the entities on frontend Generated for entities that have a frontend list page
Frontend entity view template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/view.phtml Template used to view an entity on frontend Generated for entities that have a frontend view page
Entity siblings list template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/{{sibling}}/list.phtml Template used for listing entity siblings Generated for all siblings of an entity with frontend view page.
Entity widget link template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/widget/link.phtml Template used for entity widget link Generated for entities with frontend view page and widgets
Entity widget view template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/widget/view.phtml Template used for entity widget view Generated for entities with frontend view page and widgets
Entity widget view template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/widget/subtree.phtml Template used for entity widget subtree Generated for tree entities with frontend view page and widgets
Entity comment list template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/comment/list.phtml Template used for displaying comments Generated for entities that allow comments
Entity comment form template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/comment/form.phtml Template used for adding comments Generated for entities that allow comments
Customer comments controller app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/controllers/{{Entity}}/Customer/CommentController.php Controller used to list and view customer reviews for an entity Generated for entities that allow comments
Comment view block app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Customer/Comment/View.php Block used for viewing own comment Generated for entities that allow comments
Comment view template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/customer/comment/view.phtml Template used for viewing own comment Generated for entities that allow comments
Entity - Comment resource collection app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Resource/{{Entity}}/Comment/{{Entity}}/Collection.php Resource used to link comments to entities Generated for entities that allow comments
Block for rendering customer comments app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/{{Entity}}/Customer/Comment/List.php This is the main block for listing comments posted by a customer Generated for entities that support comments
Template for rendering customer comments app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/{{entity}}/customer/comment/list.phtml This template renders the customer submitted comments Generated for entities that support comments
Frontend rss list template app/design/frontend/base/default/template/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/rss.phtml The template for listing RSS links. Generated if at least an entity has RSS enabled.
Translation file app/locale/en_US/{{Namespace}}_{{Module}}.csv File used for translation with all the texts in the module Always generated
Image placeholder skin/frontend/base/default/images/placeholder/{{entity}}.jpg The placeholder image for entities with image attributes. Generated if an entity has at least one image field/attribute.
Css for tree display skin/frontend/base/default/css/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/tree.css Css file used to render a tree entity on frontend Generated if there is at least an entity that behaves as tree and has frontend list enabled
Tree js file skin/frontend/base/default/js/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/tree.js Js file used for tree display. Generated if there is at least one entity that behaves as tree and has frontend files.
Tree collapsed image (gif) skin/frontend/base/default/images/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/collapsed.gif Image for collapsed tree Generated if there is at least an entity that behaves as tree and has frontend list enabled
Tree collapsed image (png) skin/frontend/base/default/images/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/collapsed.png Image for collapsed tree Generated if there is at least an entity that behaves as tree and has frontend list enabled
Tree expanded image (gif) skin/frontend/base/default/images/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/expanded.gif Image for expanded tree Generated if there is at least an entity that behaves as tree and has frontend list enabled
Tree expanded image (png) skin/frontend/base/default/images/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/expanded.png Image for expanded tree Generated if there is at least an entity that behaves as tree and has frontend list enabled
Image 1 for tree (gif) skin/frontend/base/default/images/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/line1.gif Image for tree Generated if there is at least an entity that behaves as tree and has frontend list enabled
Image 1 for tree (png) skin/frontend/base/default/images/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/line1.png Image for tree Generated if there is at least an entity that behaves as tree and has frontend list enabled
Image 2 for tree (gif) skin/frontend/base/default/images/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/line2.gif Image for tree Generated if there is at least an entity that behaves as tree and has frontend list enabled
Image 2 for tree (png) skin/frontend/base/default/images/{{namespace}}_{{module}}/line2.png Image for tree Generated if there is at least an entity that behaves as tree and has frontend list enabled
Entity comment SOAP API model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Comment/Api.php Model used to handle the SOAP API calls for entity comments Generated for each entities that has comments and SOAP API enabled
Entity comment SOAP API model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Comment/Api/V2.php Model used to handle the SOAP API calls for entity comments Generated for each entities that has comments and SOAP API enabled
Entity attribute SOAP API model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Api.php Model used to handle the SOAP API calls for entity attributes Generated for each eav entities that has SOAP API enabled
Entity attribute SOAP API V2 model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/{{Entity}}/Attribute/Api/V2.php Model used to handle the SOAP API V2 calls for entity attributes Generated for each eav entities that has SOAP API enabled
api2.xml - REST config file app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/etc/api2.xml The configuration for the REST API Generated if there is at least one entity that should have the REST API
REST API entity model app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Api2/{{Entity}}.php The main model for the entity REST API Generated if there the entity should have the REST API
REST API entity model - rest handler app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Api2/{{Entity}}/Rest.php The main handler model for the entity REST API Generated if there the entity should have the REST API
REST API entity model - guest handler app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Api2/{{Entity}}/Rest/Guest/V1.php The guest handler model for the entity REST API Generated if there the entity should have the REST API
REST API entity model - customer handler app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Api2/{{Entity}}/Rest/Customer/V1.php The customer handler model for the entity REST API Generated if there the entity should have the REST API
REST API entity model - admin handler app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Model/Api2/{{Entity}}/Rest/Admin/V1.php The admin handler model for the entity REST API Generated if there the entity should have the REST API
Admin column renderer for linked entities app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/Helper/Column/Renderer/Relation.php Block for rendering columns of related entities Generated if are entities related or at least one entity is in a "many to many" relation with the products or categories.
Admin column renderer for parent entities entities app/code/{{codepool}}/{{Namespace}}/{{Module}}/Block/Adminhtml/Helper/Column/Renderer/Parent.php Block for rendering columns of parent entities entities Generated if there is at least one parent-child relation between entities.
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