Port dlib to Android platform
You can build it to dynamic or static library for Android. You can also build dlib's sample to Android executable file.
You can refer to dlib-android-app which demonstrates dlib-android features
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/tzutalin/dlib-android.git
$ cd dlib-android
$ ./envsetup
Download Android-NDK from Android website.
After downloading, go to the directory to which you downloaded the package to extract it
Export ANDROID_NDK_HOME in ~/.bashrc
$ vim ~/.bashrc
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=[NDK_PATH]/android-ndk-[version]
Install Android Debug Bride (ADB). You can download it via Android SDK Manager or $ sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb
Prepare an Android device for test
You can change the compiler architecture in dlib-android/jni/Application.mk
The way to build the shared library for Android application
$ cd [dlib-android]
$ python build.py
Alternative way to build native code and copy to the Android Studio's project manually:
$ cd [dlib-android]
$ ndk-build -j 2
$ cp -r libs/* androidstudio-examples/dlib-android-app/dlib/src/main/jniLibs
- Open Android Studio's projects in androidstudio-examples/dlib-android-app to run face detection, face landmark, and so on
├── data # Test data or the models for detection and landmarks
├── dlib # Source files of dlib. It is a submodule
├── jni # Source files of JNI codes and their make files
├── androidstudio-examples # Android Studio's projects use the shared library built by this repo
├── tools # Tools and utilities
├── third_party # Like OpenCV and [miniglog](https://github.com/tzutalin/miniglog)
├── CMakeLists.txt # Use CMake to build instead of using Android.mk
└── README.md
- If you have any improvement or you've found any bug, send a pull request with the code.
- Give me a star on this repository
- Add more examples to dlib-android-app