if you’re starting from scratch, setup your dev enviroment according to installfest.railsbridge.org
install rvm or rbenv
“git clone git@github.com:tyronegrandison/checkie.git”
“brew install libiconv” - nokogiri requires libiconv and nokogiri is needed for parsing XML
“brew link –force libiconv” [*]
“gem install nokogiri – –with-iconv-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/libiconv” [*]
“brew install postgresql” - we’re using postgresql on both dev & prod
“bundle” to install the correct gems
Create dev DB
“rake db:create” - double check that it succeeded with “rake db:version” which should return 0
“git config push.default simple” - stops git from complaining when you type “git push”
Use the “rerun” command, which is provided by the rerun gem that’s already listed in Gemfile.
“rerun -p ‘*.rb’ -cx – rspec”
- *
Without these commands, you won’t be able to install the nokogiri gem stackoverflow.com/questions/5528839/why-does-installing-nokogiri-on-mac-os-fail-with-libiconv-is-missing