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Releases: typelevel/sbt-typelevel


22 Jun 06:43
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v0.5.0-RC2 Pre-release

This is the second release candidate of sbt-typelevel v0.5.0.


  • Move noPublishProjectRefs to always-triggered plugin by @armanbilge in #554


  • Update scalac-compat-annotation to 0.1.1 by @typelevel-steward in #555

Full Changelog: v0.5.0-RC1...v0.5.0-RC2


20 Jun 20:47
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v0.5.0-RC1 Pre-release

This is the first release candidate of sbt-typelevel v0.5.0. It brings several enhancements, unfortunately some of which may break existing builds. However for many projects with standard builds I expect upgrading to be simple and straightforward.

My goal is to update several Typelevel projects to the RC before designating a final release. If you have bandwidth to give it a try in your project, please do! I would be surprised if there aren't a few kinks to work out :)

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this and previous releases!

Major changes

sbt v1.9.0

sbt-typelevel now requires sbt v1.9.0+.

CI jobs identified by Scala binary version

Previously, CI jobs were identified by the full Scala version e.g. 2.13.11 or 3.2.2. Now, they are identified only by the binary version e.g. 2.13 or 3. This means that CI job names are now stable to Scala updates.

However, if you have customized your CI matrix with exclusions or conditions based on the Scala version you will need to update those to match only on the binary version. To restore the old behavior set githubWorkflowScalaVersions := scalaCrossVersions.value.

Other enhancements

Refreshed scalac options

Compiler options are now optimized for the following Scala versions. If possible, please upgrade to these versions first.

  • Scala 2.12.18+, Scala 2.13.11+, Scala 3.3.0+

Scala 2 is now tuned to behave like Scala 3, not the other way around

Previously, our compiler flags were tuned to make Scala 3 behave more like Scala 2 e.g. with -source:3.0-migration. Now, we have removed that flag and are instead tuning Scala 2 to behave more like Scala 3 e.g. with -Xsource:3.

One example of a common pattern where this makes a difference is a case class with a private constructor.

case class Foo private (bar: Bar, baz: Baz)

Under the old settings, this would still generate a public apply(bar, baz) method. Under the new settings. the apply method will also be private, and you must explicitly add a public apply method if desired. This is Scala 3 behavior. Most projects should catch this change either at compile-time or with MiMa.

Unused warnings for all Scala versions

Additionally, unused warnings are now enabled on Scala 2.12 and Scala 3.3+, in addition to Scala 2.13.

  • Re-enable unused warnings for scala 2.12 by @satorg in #312
  • Add re-introduced unused/discard warnings for scala >3.3.0 by @amumurst in #515

Scala version-specific @nowarns

To help manage fatal warnings when cross-building for multiple Scala versions, @satorg has created the scalac-compat library which provides @nowarn2, @nowarn3, etc. This is now included by default as compile-only dependency.

Other enhancements

Target JDK 8 by default

We now set tlJdkRelease := Some(8) so that the compiler explicitly targets JDK 8. If you are using APIs from newer JDKs your code will fail to compile. To target a newer JDK you may set e.g. tlJdkRelease := Some(11). To restore the old behavior, set tlJdkRelease := None i.e. no explicit target.

Publish to by default

The original is now designated "legacy" in favor of Typelevel and several other orgs are already publishing to s01 as well as all group IDs registered since 2021. You can migrate your org by opening a ticket on the Sonatype Jira. To restore the old behavior set tlSonatypeUseLegacyHost := true.

Laika 0.19

Huge thanks to @jenshalm for releasing Laika v0.19.0 and upgrading the sbt-typelevel-site plugin. This includes several enhancements and overall improves the integration.

  • Site Plugin: Migrate to Laika 0.19.0-RC1 + separate generic defaults from Typelevel-specific ones by @jenshalm in #377

Projects not published under Typelevel will no longer automatically have Typelevel-themed websites. If you are a Typelevel-affiliated project you can opt-in to the theming by setting tlSiteIsTypelevelProject := Some(TypelevelProject.Affiliate).

  • Distinguish between org, affiliate projects in site plugin by @armanbilge in #540

The tlSiteRelatedProjects setting is now deprecated. You may either remove it or replicate the feature as done in the following PR.

CI enhancements

JDKs and dependency caching

We now fully rely on the setup-java (and similar setup-graalvm) actions to manage JDKs and Maven dependency caching, instead of custom JDK index and caching steps.

Caching is now also more aggressive: if no cache is found, the CI job will create one by attempting to download all the dependencies used in the build (instead of only those specific to its position in the CI matrix). This greatly reduces the chance of cache misses in future CI jobs.

Dependency submission

Your project will now export its dependency graph to the GitHub API with the sbt-dependency-submission action. For example, this powers Dependabot vulnerability alerts. To opt-out, set tlCiDependencyGraphJob := false.

  • Add dependency submission job to CI by @armanbilge in #340
  • Move submit-dependencies condition to job-level, not step-level by @armanbilge in #341
  • Make dependency submission ignore non-compile scopes and no-publish projects by @armanbilge in #530

More aggressive cancelation of CI jobs

The build CI jobs now have a default 60-minute timeout that is configurable e.g. githubWorkflowBuildTimeoutMinutes := Some(30). CI is also now configured by default so that there is at most one concurrent job per PR or branch i.e. pushing another commit to a PR will cancel CI on the previous commit and merging another PR to main will cancel CI on the previous merge. Note that these concurrency limits will never affect the publishing of a tag.

  • Allow configuring timeout-minutes for a job and a step by @iRevive in #416
  • Allow configuring concurrency for a job by @iRevive in #417

Refreshed prePR

The prePR command now only runs "self-fixing" tasks such as scalafmt and scalafix. Furthermore, it respects your CI configuration e.g. if you have disabled formatting checks then they will not be included in prePR.

Configurable BSP

Cross-platform projects that are "pure" (i.e., 100% share sources for all platforms) now enable BSP only for the JVM platform by default. This should reduce the load on IDEs.

You may configure which platforms you want to enable BSP for any cross project (pure or otherwise) by setting e.g. tlBspCrossProjectPlatforms := Set(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform). This setting does not affect non-cross projects, including JS- or Native-only projects.

Enhanced support for Scala Native

It is now easier to cross-build for Scala Native out-of-the-box.

Other changes with compatibility concerns

  • ...
Read more


05 Jun 12:03
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This is the twenty-third release in the 0.4.x series of sbt-typelevel. It is binary- and source-compatible with previous releases in this series.

This release includes dependency updates to support Scala 2.12.18 and 2.13.11. This will likely be the last regular release in the 0.4.x series and I hope to release sbt-typelevel v0.5.0 final in the next week or two.


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4.21...v0.4.22


12 May 19:03
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This is the twenty-second release in the 0.4.x series of sbt-typelevel. It is binary- and source-compatible with previous releases in this series.


  • omit build matrix axes when they're empty in the sbt config by @bpholt in #505


  • Steward config validation job can use default Java by @armanbilge in #508


  • document my 1Password / GitHub CLI script for setting up a new repo by @bpholt in #506

Thank you Brian! 😄

Full Changelog: v0.4.20...v0.4.21


22 Apr 02:44
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This is the twenty-first release in the 0.4.x series of sbt-typelevel. It is binary- and source-compatible with previous releases in this series.




  • Update sbt-mima-plugin to 1.1.2 by @typelevel-steward in #485
  • Update sbt-crossproject, ... to 1.3.1 by @typelevel-steward in #491
  • Use new sbt-crossproject settings by @armanbilge in #495

Full Changelog: v0.4.19...v0.4.20


04 Mar 02:04
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v0.5.0-M10 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Add helpful error for misplaced managed sources by @armanbilge in #448
  • Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.0 by @typelevel-steward in #452
  • Update coursier to 2.1.0-RC5 by @typelevel-steward in #453
  • Fix Typo by @isomarcte in #455
  • Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.1 by @typelevel-steward in #456
  • Populating Job summary with tests results and publish report by @TonioGela in #451
  • Use -source:3.2-migration on Scala 3.2 (when cross-compiling) by @armanbilge in #467
  • Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.2 by @typelevel-steward in #469
  • Update coursier to 2.1.0-RC6 by @typelevel-steward in #468
  • Making mergifyLabelPaths overridable by @TonioGela in #466
  • Removed default ligatures behaviour by @j-mie6 in #471
  • Fixing section title sizing for code blocks by @TonioGela in #472
  • Revert "Use -source:3.2-migration on Scala 3.2 (when cross-compiling)" by @armanbilge in #473
  • Condense GHA step summaries by @armanbilge in #475
  • 0.4 -> main by @armanbilge in #476
  • Update sbt-sonatype to 3.9.17 by @typelevel-steward in #460
  • Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.3.7 by @typelevel-steward in #461

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.0-M9...v0.5.0-M10


04 Mar 01:50
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This is the twentieth release in the 0.4.x series of sbt-typelevel. It is binary- and source-compatible with previous releases in this series.


  • Populating Job summary with tests results and publish report by @TonioGela in #451, #475



New Contributors

Thank you wonderful contributors!

Full Changelog: v0.4.18...v0.4.19


07 Jan 01:15
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v0.5.0-M9 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.0-M8...v0.5.0-M9


07 Jan 00:34
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This is the nineteenth release in the 0.4.x series of sbt-typelevel. It is binary- and source-compatible with previous releases in this series.




New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4.17...v0.4.18


16 Nov 23:35
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v0.5.0-M8 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.5.0-M7...v0.5.0-M8