This project is meant for people who want to display a calendar view and show that there are events on certain days. What I did was pull out the calendar view from Google's Calendar application found here. It is still a work in progress but the project should run. The example project pulls events from the google calendar provider and inserts them into the examples database
Implementation is not the easiest though as there is a lot to it but I hope to filter out stuff that is not needed to try to make it simpler
A quick run though of how to use it:
in your activity before you set the content view you need to create a Calendar Controller
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements EventHandler{
private CalendarController mController;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mController = CalendarController.getInstance(this);
mController.registerEventHandler(, (EventHandler) monthFrag);
mController.registerFirstEventHandler(0, this);
The put in the MonthByWeekFragment to your view
FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
monthFrag = new MonthByWeekFragment(System.currentTimeMillis(), false);
ft.replace(, monthFrag).commit();
You also need to override handleEvent, this gets called when you click on a day on the calendar and gets called when you click on an event in the day view
public void handleEvent(EventInfo event) {
if (event.eventType == EventType.GO_TO) {
// day selected on calendsr, start DayFragment to display the day that was clicked
this.event = event;
dayView = true;
FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
dayFrag = new DayFragment(event.startTime.toMillis(true),1);
ft.replace(, dayFrag).addToBackStack(null).commit();
}if(event.eventType == EventType.VIEW_EVENT){
//TODO do something when an event is clicked
To display events on the calendar I have build a content provider that the calendar uses which replicates how it is done in googles calendar app. things that it needs is the start and end date in a milliseconds timestamp.
those should go in the START and END columns of the database
values.put(CalendarProvider.END, endTimestamp));
values.put(CalendarProvider.START, startTimestamp);
You also need to get the julian start/end day from the timestamp like so
int startDay = Time.getJulianDay(startTimestamp, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(tz.getOffset(startTimestamp)));
int endDay = Time.getJulianDay(endTimestamp, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(tz.getOffset(endTimestamp)));
the put them in the start day and end day columns of the database
values.put(CalendarProvider.START_DAY, startDay);
values.put(CalendarProvider.END_DAY, endDay);
The last thing you need in the database is the start/end time in minutes and put them in the start time and end time columns
values.put(CalendarProvider.START_TIME, startMin);
values.put(CalendarProvider.END_TIME, endMin);
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