- Imports necessary libraries.
- Sets up readline for user input.
- Generates a new keypair and funds the account using the Diamante testnet friendbot.
- Connects to the Diamante testnet Horizon server.
- Loads the account details.
Helper function to prompt the user for input.
Developer Utilities:
Create Account:
- Generates and funds a new Diamante account.
Check Balance:
- Checks the balance of a specified account.
List Transactions:
- Lists transactions for a specified account.
Stream Transactions:
- Streams real-time transactions for the account.
Sign and Submit Transaction:
- Prompts for a transaction envelope XDR, signs, and submits it.
Manage Data:
- Adds, updates, or deletes data on the account.
Fetch Ledger Info:
- Fetches information for a specified ledger sequence number.
User Prompt Loop:
- Continuously prompts the user to choose an operation until they choose to exit.
Error Handling:
- Catches and logs any errors during execution.