This is a description and guide for the application hosted on
The objective of this project is to compare the performance of the
use-interstate library with the popular state
management libraries for React, namely Redux and Recoil. If you don't know about
use-interstate, it is an unopinionated state
management solution for React that leans to be as simple as the standard hook useState
but also
to have a purpose to share the state between components that effectively means - to provide the
ability to update and subscribe to that state. You can think about it as a reliable alternative to
Context Provider but being simpler for introducing inside the components and having the ability to
dynamically change the subscription at any moment. It opens many opportunities for using
use-interstate in custom libraries and
architectural solutions as an elementary unit. In this case, the performance of
use-interstate should be reckoned as a vital
This application is compatible with the browsers supporting PerformanceLongTaskTiming interface.
All measurements reveal through two values - TTI (Total Time to Interactive) and TBT (Total Blocking Time). The meaning of both values is very close to those of the values in the Performance section of the Lighthouse report. The only difference is TTI in that report measures the time from the moment when the page starts loading. Our measurements start from the moment when the user's interaction, giving the particular command, fires.
Our testing React application is a square matrix of pixels arranged by rows
Every Pixel
component is wrapped into ControlPixel
that is a part of PixelsLine
subsequentially of PixelsStage
To introduce extra complexity to the components tree the rest of the lines on every stage are
wrapped in the div
element. It forms an unbalanced DOM tree of the lines of the pixels but
visually remains a square grid.
This is a logical diagram of the application
Any Pixel
component has a prop alternative
which is bound to a global state record that holds
the value of some color. That means any pixel is subscribed to some "alternative". Each
, that is a parent of Pixel
, has a unique key referencing to the value of "choice"
in the global state. Thus ControlPixel
is subscribed to its "choice" that may change at any time.
The "choice", which is binary, in its turn is a key name that holds the "alternative" key or null
value. If the "choice" retains a null
, then the controlled Pixel
gets missed - the "choice" is
disabled. Otherwise, it makes Pixel
components of that "choice" subscribe to the color correlated
with the "alternative" they belong to. It introduces the test model with a two-level dynamic
subscription. In the beginning, each row has its default "choice", and every "choice" of two holds a
different "alternative" keys. The row of the "choice" 0 follows the "choice" 1.
There are several test commands to measure the performance:
Re-paint. It changes the color value for the "alternative". Visually each
component subscribed to this "alternative" gets notified about the change and switches the appearance. Every next command alters the next "alternative". -
Disable row. One "choice" gets the value
. EveryControlPixel
subscribed to this "choice" disables controlledPixel
. Visually the pixels of one color disappear. -
Enable row. If the
components of one "choice" were disabled, this command "enable" them throughControlPixel
giving that "choice" brand new "alternative". In this case, the app state creates a record for the new "alternative" key with the new color value. -
Paint random pixel. The command picks a random unique key of some
component and changes its record's value to the opposite "choice". It notifies the component and this component re-renders the controlledPixel
with the new "alternative" in the props (or erases the pixel, if the new "choice" was disabled) and makes it dynamically resubscribe to a new color. This command visually repaints the pixel in the grid. -
Paint n% random pixels. The same as previous but picking the defined percentage of pixels.
Change grid. Re-render the whole
building the new grid of the defined size. The command flushes out the app state completely initializing the new one. It performs two separate measurements: for unmounting the old grid, and subsequently for building a new one.
The test app does not provide an automated way of evaluating the performance. The user must give the commands manually. After each command, the UI gets blocked for at least 5 sec. It is because TTI is a value that counts the busy time until the UI becomes responsive again for the earliest 5 sec.
As soon as the measurement is registered, it gets reflected in the stat tab contributing to the calculation of the average value for the command. After several attempts, the user can compare stats for different libraries. The number of attempts reads in the stat table.