Rails app generated with lewagon/rails-templates, created by the Le Wagon coding bootcamp team.
The app allows user to make a health check setup for all employees, mark and automatically notify HR of their own health check reservation, be notified and reserved their health check result. The app can receive and save results from clinic by file attachment and fax.
-- Fax -- To test fax receiving function, use ngrok: Find the local portal that hosts the website. Example: "localhost:3000" Open a new terminal, type: "ngrok http LOCAL_HOST_PORTAL_NUMBER". Example: "ngrok http 3000" Click on the "Visit this site" button of the server site Get the ngrok webhook. Example: https://348d-124-39-32-242.jp.ngrok.io/
Change the Inbound Parse Webhook on Sendgrid and call the method "submit_result" Access https://app.sendgrid.com/settings/parse Delete the existing webhook Add new webhook Development: webhook configured to ngrok. Example: domain: healthway.live url: https://348d-124-39-32-242.jp.ngrok.io/submit_result Production: webhook configured to healthway.live Example: domain: healthway.live url: https://healthway.live/submit_result
-- Receive result -- Sendgrid has been incorporated into the app, hardcoded to one user for demontration purposes. To change the user receiving the result attachment: Go to health_checks_controller.rb In the method submit_result, change the first_name to the desired user. Example: health_check = User.find_by(first_name: "oanh").health_checks.last
-- Manage databse -- Use Heroku Postgres CLI
$heroku pg:info
CLI commands: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/managing-heroku-postgres-using-cli