I'm a passionate full-stack developer dedicated to crafting efficient, scalable applications. My expertise spans modern frontend frameworks like React.js, Next.js, and Three.js, alongside powerful backend technologies such as Express,Nest.js and graphql. Let's turn your vision into a reality!
Node.js | Nest.js | TypeScript | GraphQL | Express.js | RESTful APIs | MongoDB | Git - Github | Postman | Docker | React | Blender | Three.js | React Three Fiber
- 🔭 I’m currently working on full-stack development projects with a focus on Node.js and Nest.js for backend and React and Three.js for frontend.
- 🌱 I’m currently exploring more about GraphQL, TypeScript, and 3D animations with React Three Fiber.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on full-stack development projects.
- 💬 Ask me about full-stack development, building scalable APIs, and 3D animations.
- 📫 Reach me at
](https://github.com/tuba-theProgrammer) [
](https://www.linkedin.com/in/tuba-asif-766449182/) [
](mailto: tubarajput92@gmail.com)