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Performance Automatic Traces

Tua Rua edited this page Jun 9, 2018 · 1 revision

The contents of this page are based on the original Firebase Documentation

A trace is a report of performance data captured between two points in time in your app. When installed, the Performance Monitoring SDK automatically provides the following types of traces:

  • App start traces, which measure the time between when the user opens the app and when the app is responsive.
  • Screen traces, These are non-applicable to AIR.
  • App in background traces, which measure the time when the app is running in the background.
  • App in foreground traces, which measure the time when the app is running in the foreground and available to the user.

Automatic trace definitions

Performance Monitoring uses method calls and notifications in your app to determine when each type of automatic trace starts and stops:

Trace Name iOS Android:
App start Starts when the application loads the first Object to memory and stops after the first successful run loop that occurs after the application receives the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification notification. Starts when the app's FirebasePerfProvider ContentProvider completes its onCreate method and stops when the first activity's onResume() method is called. If the app was not cold-started by an activity (for example, by a service or broadcast receiver), no trace is generated.
App in background Starts when the application receives the UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification notification and stops when it receives the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification notification. Starts when the last activity to leave the foreground has its onStop() method called and stops when the first activity to reach the foreground has its onResume() method called.
App in foreground Starts when the application receives the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification notification and stops when it receives the UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification notification. Starts when the first activity to reach the foreground has its onResume() method called and stops when the last activity to leave the foreground has its onStop() method called.
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