tuana9a's platform
- configuration as code: asnible
- infrastructure as code: terraform
- deploy apps, cd: argocd
- cloud providers: aws, gcp, proxmox
- dns, cdn, web: cloudflare
- load balancer, reverse proxy: haproxy, nginx
setup gcloud
cli auth
gcloud auth application-default login
NOTE: using python of the os, change the 3.10 if necessary
sudo -i
apt install -y python3.10-venv
mkdir -p /opt/ansible
cd /opt/ansible
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible ansible-core ansible-lint
ln -sf /opt/ansible/.venv/bin/ansible* /usr/local/bin
verify ansible installation
ansible --version
config ansible vault password (optional)
vim ~/.ansible.cfg
read ansible vault password from (hashicorp) vault
vault kv get -format=json kv/platform/ansible-vault | jq -r ".data.password"