An unstyled editable component with an easy to use plugin framework for creating custom rich text editors in React applications. Based on Slate. See Slate documentation for more information on Slate. As it is early in development basic functionality and types can and will change.
Installation and local usage.
npm i
npm run dev
Building ESM and CJS.
npm run build`
This will produce both an ESM and CJS modules in as well as a typescript definition (index.d.ts) file in dist/
Textbit is available as NPM package published on Github. To install the Textbit package in your project add @ttab:registry=
to your .npmrc
. It should look something like below.
Then it's just a matter of installing it using your favourite package manager.
npm i @ttab/textbit
Below is the basic structure of the components and their usage. The example is lacking necessary styling and actions. Gutter, Menu and Toolbar components all receive a className
property for styling. Clone the repo and see the directory local/
for a more thorough example including additional link, list item plugins and example CSS.
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import Textbit, {
} from '@ttab/textbit'
import './editor-variables.css'
import {
} from 'plugin-bundle'
const initialValue: TBDescendant[] = [
type: 'core/text',
id: '538345e5-bacc-48f9-8ef1-a219891b60eb',
class: 'text',
children: [
{ text: '' }
function MyEditor() {
return (
option1: true,
option2: false
onChange={value => {
console.log(value, null, 2)
<Textbit.DropMarker />
<Menu.Item key="title" action={}>
<Menu.Item key="bodytext" action={}>
<Toolbar.Item key="bold" action={}/>
<Toolbar.Item key="italic" action={}/>
Top level Texbit component. Receives all plugins. Base plugins is exported from Textbit as Textbit.Plugins[]
Name | Type | Description |
verbose | boolean | Optional, default false |
autoFocus | boolean | Optional, default false |
onBlur | React.FocusEventHandler | Optional |
onFocus | React.FocusEventHandler | Optional |
plugins | Plugin.Definition[] | |
debounce | number? | Optional debounce time for calling onChange() handler. Defaults to 250 ms. |
debounceSpellcheck | number? | Optional debounce time for calling onSpellcheck() handler. Defaults to 1250 ms. |
PluginRegistryContext: access through convenience hook usePluginRegistry()
Name | Type | Description |
plugins | Plugin.Definition[] | All registered plugins |
components | Map<string, PluginRegistryComponent> | Slate element render components |
actions | PluginRegistryAction[] | Convenience structure |
verbose | boolean | Output extra info about plugins and settings in the browsers developer console |
debounce | number | Optional, set debounce value for onChange(), default 250ms |
placeholder | string | Optional, placeholder text for entire editor, default is empty. Should not be combined with placeholders. |
placeholders | 'none' | 'single' |
dispatch | Dispatch | Add or delete plugins |
TextbitContext: access through convenience hook useTextbit()
Name | Type | Description |
characters | number | Number of characters in article |
words | number | Number of words in article |
verbose | boolean | Output extra info on console |
autoFocus | boolean | Whether autoFocus is true or false |
onBlur | React.FocusEventHandler | Event handler for when editor looses focus |
onFocus | React.FocusEventHandler | Event handler for when editor receives focus |
Editable area component, acts as wrapper around Slate.
Name | Type | Description |
value | Descendant[] | Optional, initial content |
onChange | (Descendant[] => void) | Function to receive all changes |
onSpellcheck | onSpellcheck?: (texts: string[]) => Array<Array<{ str: string, pos: number, sub: string[] }>> |
Optional, callback function to handle spellchecking of strings |
dir | "ltr" | "rtl" | Optional, defaults to ltr |
lang | string | Optional langage (e.g en, en-BR, sv, sv_FI). Falls back to html document language, then browser language and last "en". |
yjsEditor | BaseEditor | BaseEditor created with withYjs() and withCursors() |
gutter | boolean | Optional, defaults to true (render gutter). |
className | string | |
readOnly | boolean | Optional, defaults to false |
children | React.ReactNode | undefined | |
ref | React.LegacyRef | Provides reference to Slate Editable dom node |
Name | Type | Description |
gutter | boolean | |
setOffset | ({ left: number, top: number }) => void | |
offset | { left: number, top: number } |
Name | Value | Description |
[data-state] | "focused" | "" | Indicate whether editor has focus or not. |
Basic, not complete, example of using it with Yjs.
const editor = useMemo(() => {
return withYHistory(
provider.document.get('content', Y.XmlText)
{ data: user as unknown as Record<string, unknown> }
}, [provider.awareness, provider.document, user])
<Textbit.Editable yjsEditor={editor} />
Can be used to wrap all elements in plugin components. Provides data state attribute used for styling.
Name | Type | Description |
className | string | |
children |
Name | Value | Description |
[data-state] | "active" | "inactive" | Indicate that cursor is in element or element is part of a selection. |
When using the spellchecking functionality words (or combination of words) that are misspelled
are rendered as <span>
child elements having the data attribute data-spelling-error
. This
can be used to style all the spelling errors. See context menu handling for handling spelling errors
in more detail.
Name | Value | Description |
[data-spelling-error] | string | Id of individual spelling error |
Using a CSS style rule
[data-spelling-error] {
text-decoration: underline;
text-decoration-style: dotted;
text-decoration-color: rgb(239, 68, 68);
Using Tailwind
return (
onSpellcheck={async (texts) => checkSpelling(texts)}
className="outline-none h-full dark:text-slate-100 [&_[data-spelling-error]]:underline [&_[data-spelling-error]]:decoration-dotted [&_[data-spelling-error]]:decoration-red-500"
<ContextMenu />
Provides a drop marker indicator. Handles positioning and displaying automatically. Provides a html data attribute to use for styling when dragOver is happening and what type of dragOver is wanted. If data-dragover
is between
a line should be displayed between elements. This is the default behaviour. If a plugin component has property droppable
set to true
the droppable marker will encompass the whole element component. The data-dragover
attribute will be set to around
Name | Type | Description |
className | string |
Name | Value | Description |
[data-dragover] | "none" | "between" | "around" | True when dragover is active |
Provides a gutter for the content tool menu. Handles positioning automatically. Allows placement to the left or right of the content area. Context is used internally. Has inline styling for size and relative positioning of children.
Root component for the Menu structure.
Name | Type | Description |
className | string |
Name | Value | Description |
[data-state] | "open" | "closed" |
Name | Value | Description |
isOpen | boolean | |
setIsOpen: | (boolean) => void |
Name | Type | Description |
className | string |
Name | Type | Description |
className | string |
Name | Type | Description |
className | string |
Name | Type | Description |
className | string | |
action | PluginRegistryAction | Retrieved from hook usePluginRegistry() |
Name | Value | Description |
[data-state] | "active" | "inactive" | Cursor or selection on content type. |
Name | Type |
active | boolean |
action | PluginRegistryAction |
const { actions } = usePluginRegistry()
// ...
{actions.filter(action => !['leaf', 'generic', 'inline'].includes(action.plugin.class)).map(action => {
<Menu.Icon className="ct-icon" />
<Menu.Label className="ct-label">{action.title}</Menu.Label>
<Menu.Hotkey className="ct-hotkey" />
Display an icon in the menu item. Can be automatic or overridden by children.
Name | Type | Description |
className | string | |
children | Optional. Overrides default action tool icon |
Display a label for the menu item. Can be automatic or overridden by children when for example different translations are needed.
Name | Type | Description |
className | string | |
children | Optional. Overrides default label |
Displays a keyboard shortcut. If no children are provided it will automatically transform shortcuts from, for example, mod+b
per platform to ctrl+b
or cmd+b
Name | Type | Description |
className | string | |
children | Optional. Overrides default "translation" of action keyboard shortcut |
Root component around the context toolbox in the editor area providing access to tools like bold, links etc. Handles some style inline for hiding/showing the toolbox through manipulating position, z-index, opacity, top and left.
Name | Type | Description |
className | string |
Name | Type | Description |
className | string |
Name | Type | Description |
className | string | |
action | PluginRegistryAction | Retrieved from hook usePluginRegistry() |
Name | Value | Description |
[data-state] | "active" | "inactive" | Cursor or selection on leaf or inline like bold, italic, link. |
const { actions } = usePluginRegistry()
// ...
{actions.filter(action => ['inline'].includes(action.plugin.class)).map(action => {
action={action} key={`${action.plugin.class}-${}-${action.title}`}
Root component around the context menu in the editor area providing a way to display spelling suggestions on spelling errors.
Name | Type | Description |
className | string |
Name | Type | Description |
className | string |
Name | Type | Description |
className | string | |
func | () => void | Callback function to execute on click |
Provides context click context hints, like which slate node, offset and spelling suggestions if they exist.
interface {
isOpen: boolean
position?: {
x: number,
y: number
target?: HTMLElement
event?: MouseEvent
nodeEntry?: NodeEntry
spelling?: {
text: string
suggestions: string[]
range?: Range
apply: (replacementString: string) => void
<ContextMenu.Root className='textbit-contextmenu'>
{!!spelling?.suggestions &&
<ContextMenu.Group className='textbit-contextmenu-group' key='spelling-suggestions'>
{ => {
return (
func={() => {
Content objects are handled by plugins. Plugins are defined by a structure which define hooks, render components and other parts of the plugin. Examples below should outline the general structure, they are not complete.
Plugins can be either
class | |
leaf | Bold, italic, etc. |
inline | Inline blocks in the text, like links. |
text | Normal text of various types. |
textblock | Very similar to a block, but used for text that is not draggable, like code or a blockquote. |
block | Regular block elements like image, video. Automatically becomes draggable. |
void | Non editable objects, like a spinning loader. Should seldom be used. |
generic | Non rendered plugins. Like transforming input characters. |
Bold example
import { BoldIcon } from 'lucide-react'
const Bold: Plugin.InitFunction = () => {
return {
class: 'leaf',
name: 'core/bold',
actions: [{
name: 'toggle-bold',
tool: () => <BoldIcon style={{ width: '0.8em', height: '0.8em' }} />,
hotkey: 'mod+b',
handler: () => true
getStyle: () => {
return 'font-bold'
Blockquote example
const Blockquote: Plugin.InitFunction = () => {
return {
class: 'textblock',
name: 'core/blockquote',
actions: [
name: 'set-blockquote',
title: 'Blockquote',
tool: () => <MessageSquareQuoteIcon style={{ width: '1em', height: '1em' }} />,
hotkey: 'mod+shift+2',
handler: actionHandler,
visibility: (element) => {
return [
true, // Always visible
true, // Always enabled
(element.type === 'core/blockquote') // Active when isBlockquote
componentEntry: {
class: 'textblock',
component: BlockquoteComponent,
constraints: {
normalizeNode: normalizeBlockquote // Render function for main/wrapper component
children: [
type: 'body',
class: 'text',
component: BlockquoteBody // Render the quote
type: 'caption',
class: 'text',
component: BlockquoteCaption // Render the caption
A component is used to render an element. One plugin can have many different child components and even allow other plugin components as children.
Each component receives the props
class | Type | Description |
children | TBElement[] |
Child components that should be rendered |
element | TBElement |
The actual element being rendered |
rootNode | TBElement |
If the rendered component is a child node, rootNode gives access to the topmost root node which carries properties etc |
options | Record<string, unknown> |
An object with plugin options provided at plugin instantiation |
Using the hook useAction()
it is possible to call a named action defined in the plugin specification, including providing a argument object (Record<string, unknown>
If a child component is using a html element as its rendered root element (e.g <tr>
, <td>
, etc) the child component must be defined as a ForwardedRef component. This allows Textbit to not add extra wrapper elements.
import { useAction, type Plugin } from '@ttab/textbit'
export const Factbox = ({ children, element }: Plugin.ComponentProps): JSX.Element => {
const setFactIsChecked = useAction('core/factbox', 'fact-is-checked') // Use a defined action in a specified plugin
return <>
onMouseDown={event) => {
// Prevent href click
// Call the specified action
state: true
Set is factchecked
import { forwardRef, type PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
export const TableRow = forwardRef<HTMLTableRowElement, PropsWithChildren>(({ children }, ref) => (
<tr ref={ref}>{children}</tr>
TableRow.displayName = 'TableRow'
The format of an element, or content object, in Texbit is based on Slate Element. Note the use of properties
which is used to carry data about the element as well as how formatting like bold, italic et al is added directly on the text node.
A text element of type 'h1'
type: 'core/text',
id: '538345e5-bacc-48f9-8ef1-a219891b60eb',
class: 'text',
properties: {
type: 'h1'
children: [
{ text: 'Better music?' }
Example of bold/italic
type: 'core/text',
id: '538345e5-bacc-48f9-8ef0-1219891b60ef',
class: 'text',
children: [
{ text: 'An example paragraph with ' },
text: 'stronger',
'core/bold': true,
'core/italic': true
text: ' text.'
Image example
id: '538345e5-bacc-48f9-8ef0-1219891b60ef',
class: 'block',
type: 'core/image',
properties: {
type: 'image/png',
src: 'https://www...image.png',
title: 'My image',
size: '234300,
width: 1024,
height: 986
children: [
type: 'core/image/image',
class: 'text',
children: [{ text: '' }]
type: 'core/image/text',
class: 'text',
children: [{ text: 'An image of people taken 2001 in the countryside' }]
type: 'core/image/altText',
class: 'text',
children: [{ text: 'Three people by a tree' }]