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A Ruby client for Kubernetes REST API


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A Ruby client for Kubernetes REST api. The client supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE on all the entities available in kubernetes in both the core and group apis. The client currently supports Kubernetes REST api version v1. To learn more about groups and versions in kubernetes refer to k8s docs


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kubeclient'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install kubeclient


Initialize the client:

client ='http://localhost:8080/api/', "v1")

Or without specifying version (it will be set by default to "v1")

client ='http://localhost:8080/api/')

For A Group Api:

client ='http://localhost:8080/apis/batch', 'v1')

Another option is to initialize the client with URI object:

uri = "somehostname", port: 8080)
client =


It is also possible to use https and configure ssl with:

ssl_options = {
  ca_file:     '/path/to/ca.crt',
  verify_ssl:  OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', "v1", ssl_options: ssl_options

As an alternative to the ca_file it's possible to use the cert_store:

cert_store =
ssl_options = {
  cert_store: cert_store,
  verify_ssl: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', "v1", ssl_options: ssl_options

For testing and development purpose you can disable the ssl check with:

ssl_options = { verify_ssl: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE }
client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', 'v1', ssl_options: ssl_options


If you are using basic authentication or bearer tokens as described here then you can specify one of the following:

auth_options = {
  username: 'username',
  password: 'password'
client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', 'v1', auth_options: auth_options


auth_options = {
  bearer_token: 'MDExMWJkMjItOWY1Ny00OGM5LWJlNDEtMjBiMzgxODkxYzYz'
client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', 'v1', auth_options: auth_options


auth_options = {
  bearer_token_file: '/path/to/token_file'
client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', 'v1', auth_options: auth_options

Inside a Kubernetes cluster

The recommended way to locate the API server within the pod is with the kubernetes.default.svc DNS name, which resolves to a Service IP which in turn will be routed to an API server.

The recommended way to authenticate to the API server is with a service account. kube-system associates a pod with a service account and a bearer token for that service account is placed into the filesystem tree of each container in that pod at /var/run/secrets/

If available, a certificate bundle is placed into the filesystem tree of each container at /var/run/secrets/, and should be used to verify the serving certificate of the API server.

For example:

auth_options = {
  bearer_token_file: '/var/run/secrets/'
ssl_options = {}
if File.exist?("/var/run/secrets/")
  ssl_options[:ca_file] = "/var/run/secrets/"
client =
  auth_options: auth_options,
  ssl_options:  ssl_options

Finally, the default namespace to be used for namespaced API operations is placed in a file at /var/run/secrets/ in each container. It is recommended that you use this namespace when issuing API commands below.

namespace ='/var/run/secrets/')

You can find information about tokens in this guide and in this reference.

Google's Application Default Credentials

On Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine, or Google Cloud Functions, as well as gcloud-configured systems with application default credentials, you can use the token provider to authorize kubeclient.

This requires the googleauth gem that is not included in kubeclient dependencies so you should add it to your bundle.

require 'googleauth'

auth_options = {
  bearer_token: Kubeclient::GoogleApplicationDefaultCredentials.token
client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', 'v1', auth_options: auth_options

Note that this token is good for one hour. If your code runs for longer than that, you should plan to acquire a new one.

Non-blocking IO

You can also use kubeclient with non-blocking sockets such as Celluloid::IO, see here for details. For example:

require 'celluloid/io'
socket_options = {
  socket_class: Celluloid::IO::TCPSocket,
  ssl_socket_class: Celluloid::IO::SSLSocket
client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', 'v1', socket_options: socket_options

This affects only .watch_* sockets, not one-off actions like .get_*, .delete_* etc.


You can also use kubeclient with an http proxy server such as tinyproxy. It can be entered as a string or a URI object. For example:

proxy_uri = "myproxyhost", port: 8443)
client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', http_proxy_uri: proxy_uri


You can optionally not allow redirection with kubeclient. For example:

client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', http_max_redirects: 0


Watching never times out.

One-off actions like .get_*, .delete_* have a configurable timeout:

timeouts = {
  open: 10,  # unit is seconds
  read: nil  # nil means never time out
client =
  'https://localhost:8443/api/', timeouts: timeouts

Default timeouts match Net::HTTP and RestClient, which unfortunately depends on ruby version:

  • open was infinite up to ruby 2.2, 60 seconds in 2.3+.
  • read is 60 seconds.

If you want ruby-independent behavior, always specify :open.


Discovery from the kube-apiserver is done lazily on method calls so it would not change behavior.

It can also be done explicitly:

client ='http://localhost:8080/api', 'v1')

It is possible to check the status of discovery

unless client.discovered


If you've been using kubectl and have a .kube/config file (possibly referencing other files in fields such as client-certificate), you can auto-populate a config object using Kubeclient::Config:

# assuming $KUBECONFIG is one file, won't merge multiple like kubectl
config =['KUBECONFIG'] || '/path/to/.kube/config')

This will lookup external files; relative paths will be resolved relative to the file's directory, if config refers to them with relative path. This includes external exec: credential plugins to be executed.

You can also construct Config directly from nested data. For example if you have JSON or YAML config data in a variable:

config =, nil)
# or
config =, nil)

The 2nd argument is a base directory for finding external files, if config refers to them with relative path. Setting it to nil disables file lookups, and exec: execution - such configs will raise an exception. (A config can be self-contained by using inline fields such as client-certificate-data.)

To create a client based on a Config object:

# default context according to `current-context` field:
context = config.context
# or to use a specific context, by name:
context = config.context('default/192-168-99-100:8443/system:admin')
  ssl_options: context.ssl_options,
  auth_options: context.auth_options

Security: Don't use config from untrusted sources is catastrophically unsafe — it will execute arbitrary command lines specified by the config!, nil) is better but Kubeclient was never reviewed for behaving safely with malicious / malformed config. It might crash / misbehave in unexpected ways...


Additionally, the config.context object will contain a namespace attribute, if it was defined in the file. It is recommended that you use this namespace when issuing API commands below. This is the same behavior that is implemented by kubectl command.

You can read it as follows:

puts config.context.namespace

Supported kubernetes versions

We try to support the last 3 minor versions, matching the official support policy for Kubernetes. Kubernetes 1.2 and below have known issues and are unsupported. Kubernetes 1.3 presumed to still work although nobody is really testing on such old versions...


Get all instances of a specific entity type

Such as: get_pods, get_secrets, get_services, get_nodes, get_replication_controllers, get_resource_quotas, get_limit_ranges, get_persistent_volumes, get_persistent_volume_claims, get_component_statuses, get_service_accounts

pods = client.get_pods

Get all entities of a specific type in a namespace:

services = client.get_services(namespace: 'development')

You can get entities which have specific labels by specifying a parameter named label_selector (named labelSelector in Kubernetes server):

pods = client.get_pods(label_selector: 'name=redis-master')

You can specify multiple labels (that option will return entities which have both labels:

pods = client.get_pods(label_selector: 'name=redis-master,app=redis')

Get all entities of a specific type in chunks:

continue = nil
loop do
  entities = client.get_pods(limit: 1_000, continue: continue)
  continue = entities.continue

  break if entities.last?

See for more information.

The continue tokens expire after a short amount of time, so similar to a watch if you don't request a subsequent page within aprox. 5 minutes of the previous page being returned the server will return a 410 Gone error and the client must request the list from the start (i.e. omit the continue token for the next call).

Support for chunking was added in v1.9 so previous versions will ignore the option and return the full collection.

Get a specific instance of an entity (by name)

Such as: get_service "service name" , get_pod "pod name" , get_replication_controller "rc name", get_secret "secret name", get_resource_quota "resource quota name", get_limit_range "limit range name" , get_persistent_volume "persistent volume name" , get_persistent_volume_claim "persistent volume claim name", get_component_status "component name", get_service_account "service account name"

The GET request should include the namespace name, except for nodes and namespaces entities.

node = client.get_node ""
service = client.get_service "guestbook", 'development'

Note - Kubernetes doesn't work with the uid, but rather with the 'name' property. Querying with uid causes 404.

Getting raw responses

To avoid overhead from parsing and building RecursiveOpenStruct objects for each reply, pass the as: :raw option when initializing Kubeclient::Client or when calling get_ / watch_ methods. The result can then be printed, or searched with a regex, or parsed via JSON.parse(r).

client = :raw)


pods = client.get_pods as: :raw
node = client.get_node "", as: :raw

Other formats are:

  • :ros (default) for RecursiveOpenStruct
  • :parsed for JSON.parse
  • :parsed_symbolized for JSON.parse(..., symbolize_names: true)

Delete an entity (by name)

For example: delete_pod "pod name" , delete_replication_controller "rc name", delete_node "node name", delete_secret "secret name"

Input parameter - name (string) specifying service name, pod name, replication controller name.

deleted = client.delete_service("redis-service")

If you want to cascade delete, for example a deployment, you can use the delete_options parameter.

deployment_name = 'redis-deployment'
namespace = 'default'
delete_options =
    apiVersion: 'meta/v1',
    gracePeriodSeconds: 0,
    kind: 'DeleteOptions',
    propagationPolicy: 'Foreground' # Orphan, Foreground, or Background
client.delete_deployment(deployment_name, namespace, delete_options: delete_options)

Create an entity

For example: create_pod pod_object, create_replication_controller rc_obj, create_secret secret_object, create_resource_quota resource_quota_object, create_limit_range limit_range_object, create_persistent_volume persistent_volume_object, create_persistent_volume_claim persistent_volume_claim_object, create_service_account service_account_object

Input parameter - object of type Service, Pod, ReplicationController.

The below example is for v1

service =
service.metadata = {} = "redis-master"
service.metadata.namespace = 'staging'
service.spec = {}
service.spec.ports = [{
  'port' => 6379,
  'targetPort' => 'redis-server'
service.spec.selector = {} = "redis"
service.spec.selector.role = "master"
service.metadata.labels = {} = 'redis'
service.metadata.labels.role = 'slave'

Update an entity

For example: update_pod, update_service, update_replication_controller, update_secret, update_resource_quota, update_limit_range, update_persistent_volume, update_persistent_volume_claim, update_service_account

Input parameter - object of type Pod, Service, ReplicationController etc.

The below example is for v1

updated = client.update_service(service1)

Patch an entity (by name)

For example: patch_pod, patch_service, patch_secret, patch_resource_quota, patch_persistent_volume

Input parameters - name (string) specifying the entity name, patch (hash) to be applied to the resource, optional: namespace name (string)

The PATCH request should include the namespace name, except for nodes and namespaces entities.

The below example is for v1

patched = client.patch_pod("docker-registry", {metadata: {annotations: {key: 'value'}}}, "default")

Get all entities of all types : all_entities

Returns a hash with the following keys (node, secret, service, pod, replication_controller, namespace, resource_quota, limit_range, endpoint, event, persistent_volume, persistent_volume_claim, component_status and service_account). Each key points to an EntityList of same type. This method is a convenience method instead of calling each entity's get method separately.


Receive entity updates

It is possible to receive live update notices watching the relevant entities:

watcher = client.watch_pods
watcher.each do |notice|
  # process notice data

It is possible to interrupt the watcher from another thread with:


Watch events for a particular object

You can use the field_selector option as part of the watch methods.

watcher = client.watch_events(namespace: 'development', field_selector: '')
watcher.each do |notice|
  # process notice date

Get a proxy URL

You can get a complete URL for connecting a kubernetes entity via the proxy.

client.proxy_url('service', 'srvname', 'srvportname', 'ns')
# => "https://localhost.localdomain:8443/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/ns/services/srvname:srvportname"

Note the third parameter, port, is a port name for services and an integer for pods:

client.proxy_url('pod', 'podname', 5001, 'ns')
# => "https://localhost.localdomain:8443/api/v1/namespaces/ns/pods/podname:5001/proxy"

Get the logs of a pod

You can get the logs of a running pod, specifying the name of the pod and the namespace where the pod is running:

client.get_pod_log('pod-name', 'default')
# => "Running...\nRunning...\nRunning...\n"

If that pod has more than one container, you must specify the container:

client.get_pod_log('pod-name', 'default', container: 'ruby')
# => "..."

If a container in a pod terminates, a new container is started, and you want to retrieve the logs of the dead container, you can pass in the :previous option:

client.get_pod_log('pod-name', 'default', previous: true)
# => "..."

Kubernetes can add timestamps to every log line or filter by lines time:

client.get_pod_log('pod-name', 'default', timestamps: true, since_time: '2018-04-27T18:30:17.480321984Z')
# => "..."

since_time can be a a Time, DateTime or String formatted according to RFC3339

Kubernetes can fetch a specific number of lines from the end of the logs:

client.get_pod_log('pod-name', 'default', tail_lines: 10)
# => "..."

You can also watch the logs of a pod to get a stream of data:

watcher = client.watch_pod_log('pod-name', 'default', container: 'ruby')
watcher.each do |line|
  puts line

Process a template

Returns a processed template containing a list of objects to create. Input parameter - template (hash) Besides its metadata, the template should include a list of objects to be processed and a list of parameters to be substituted. Note that for a required parameter that does not provide a generated value, you must supply a value.

Note: This functionality is not supported by K8s at this moment. See the following issue
client.process_template template


Kubeclient release versioning follows SemVer. See for full changelog.

past version 4.0

Old kubernetes versions < 1.3 no longer supported.

past version 3.0

Ruby versions < 2.2 are no longer supported

Specific entity classes mentioned in past version 1.2.0 have been dropped. Return values and expected classes are always Kubeclient::Resource. Checking the type of a resource can be done using:

> pod.kind
=> "Pod"

update_* delete_* and patch_* now return a RecursiveOpenStruct like the get_* methods

The Kubeclient::Client class raises Kubeclient::HttpError or subclasses now. Catching KubeException still works but is deprecated.

Kubeclient::Config#context raises KeyError instead of RuntimeError for non-existent context name.

Replace Specific Entity class references:


with the generic

Where ever possible.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/kubeclient/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Test your changes with rake test rubocop, add new tests if needed.
  4. If you added a new functionality, add it to README
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create a new Pull Request


This client is tested with Minitest and also uses VCR recordings in some tests. Please run all tests before submitting a Pull Request, and add new tests for new functionality.

Running tests:

rake test


A Ruby client for Kubernetes REST API







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