This is a project to make ebooks for using pandoc. This gives the ebooks in 4 formats. A4 PDF, 6 inch PDF, epub and mobi
Fill the following details in the file config.yaml
book_title :
book_title_in_english :
author :
author_mail :
cover_image :
artist :
artist_email :
ebook_maker :
ebook_maker_email :
license :
content :
example :
book_title : தசாவதாரம்
book_title_in_english : dasavatharam
author : அறிஞர் அண்ணா
author_mail :
cover_image : dasavatharam.jpg
artist : த. சீனிவாசன்
artist_email :
ebook_maker : த. சீனிவாசன்
ebook_maker_email :
license : Public Domain - CC0
content :
always keep the book content as markdown format in the name called
Keep the cover image in the same parent folder.
It needs a ubuntu linux computer.
run the below commands
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip pandoc texlive-base texlive-xetex calibre texlive-lang-indic texlive-latex-recommended
sudo pip3 install internetarchive pyyaml
Note that this will download nearly 1 GB of data. Make sure that you have enough bandwidth on your internet connection.
open the "fonts" directory. Click every font. Install all the fonts.
Check the file custom-markdown.txt for the instuctions used to tag with custom markdown tags.
run the below command
ia configure
it will ask for your internet archive ( username and password. Give the detais.
In the file, make sure each chapters have # as first charector.
Then, run
This will make the ebooks and store in a new folder as "ebookname"-upload
run the below command
This will upload the ebooks to site
Thanks to Lenin Gurusamy ( for his extensive research on pandoc, latex and for developing scripts for this project.