doctest runner against Elm-lang source files
npm install elm-doctest
It depends on elm
and assumes that elm-make
and elm-repl
are available
either via systemwide installation or npm module installation.
Make sure elm-make
succeeds with your elm source files.
It utilizes elm-repl
for expression evaluation and compare the values
against the expected value.
(It does not comapre stringified values like haskell doctest does via
GHCi outputs.)
It only evaluates the expressions that follows -- >>>
(i.e. Elm comment symbol followed by space and three LT chars
until end of the line)
and the expression on the next line after --
For example, if the comment states:
-- >>> x =
-- >>> 1 + 2
-- >>> x * 2
-- 6
Then, elm-doctest asks elm-repl to evaluate the actual code section in the source file and effectively following expression:
((1 + 2) * 2) == (6)
If value reported by elm-repl
is True
then test passes, fail otherwise.
Usage: elm-doctest [--watch] [--help] [--elm-path PATH]
[--pretest CMD] FILES...
run doctest against given Elm files
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
--pretest CMD Command to run before doc-test
--elm-path PATH Path to elm executable
-w,--watch Watch and run tests when target files get updated
module ModuleTobeTested exposing(..)
-- |
-- >>> add 3 5
-- 8
-- >>> removeZeros [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]
-- [1, 2, 3]
-- >>> greetingTo "World"
-- "Konnichiwa World"
add : Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y
greetingTo : String -> String
greetingTo x = "Hello " ++ x
removeZeros : List Int -> List Int
removeZeros = List.filter (\x -> x /= 0)
evaluation elm-doctest ModuleTobeTested.elm
Starting elm-doctest ...
processing: test/TestData/TestFail.elm
### Failure in test/TestData/TestFail.elm:10: expression
greetingTo "World"
expected: "Konnichiwa World"
but got: "Hello World"
Examples: 3 Failures: 1
As it utilizes elm-repl
, the script must be runnable
inside elm-repl
For example, code which imports elm-lang/navigation@1.0.0
module cannot be tested.
Since the stdout is used to evaluate the test result,
avoid using Debug.log
Also, make sure elm-make runs without error.
You can auto run elm-make by using --pretest