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IntelliJ Live Templates Sharing Plugin

The plugin allows to share custom IntelliJ IDEA live templates with a team by putting them to .idea/liveTemplates folder.

Sharing Live Templates

  1. Create custom live template group in Settings and add live templates there. Press OK to save the changes.
    custom live template
  2. Invoke the Share Custom Live Templates action from Go to Action (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + A) share custom live template
  3. After action successfully executed, live templates should appear in the .idea/liveTemplates folder shared.png
  4. Commit shared live templates to the repository

Importing Live Templates

Everybody with plugin installed who opens repository will import project live templates automatically when they open project next time.

Manual import

There is the action to import live templates manually. Invoke the Import Project Live Templates action from Go to Action (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + A)


The plugin works by copying shared live templates groups to the IDE settings. Technically when a project with shared live templates is opened the plugin will add groups from .idea/liveTemplates to the IDE settings. And when the project is closed copied templates will be removed from IDE settings.


  • If you open multiple projects and some of them contain templates with the same name, only first loaded project's templates with the same name will be used.
  • The plugin supports only custom live templates group. If you add live templates to predefined groups, they will not be shared.


IntelliJ plugin for sharing live templates via VCS





