MidiMessage external for Max/MSP offering conversion from a raw MIDI stream to a human readable, command-like format. Such as:
note on 1 2 3
cc 1 2 3
nrpn 1 512 4325
sysex rt 1 mcc stop
Also see example patcher in folder examples
Generates MIDI byte sequences from given command; for command format also see
runningstatus [0,1] turns on or off running status, ie messages are generating conforming to the MIDI running status feature.
Attempts to parse incoming byte sequences (single or lists of integers) and output the corresponding command (as above).
runningstatus [0,1] turns on or off running status, ie messages conforming to the MIDI running status feature are accepted.
outputdiscardedbytes [0,1] turns on or off the output of discarded bytes (through the second output).
nrpnfilter [0,1] turns on or off the detection/filtering of NRPN type CC sequences. Please note: imcomplete CC sequences similiar to 99-98-6-38, 99-98-96, 99-98-97 might get swallowed silently without you noticing.
git clone --recursive
cd midimessage-max-external/
cmake .
The external object files are generated in the folder externals
, ie the files externals/midimessage.gen.mxo
and externals/midimessage.parse.mxo
, which have to be included in any Max search paths.