Latest version can be downloaded from here:
This little tool was written out of my need to quickly switch my network configuration between two different DNS servers. Its main purpose is to be used together with Pi-Hole. If you have set your DNS to your Pi-Hole IP you would either need to change it manually in your windows configuration or disable Pi-Hole temporarly through the Web-GUI (which would disable it for other users as well).
Why would you need to do this in the first place? Well, Pi-Hole is blocking most of the Ads. So in case you want to see them temporarly or use Google Ad-Links once in a while you will need to unblock ads temporarly. This is where DNS-Swapper shines.
DNS-Swapper will start automatically with Windows after installation and reside in your taskbar as a blue icon initially. Right Click on it and select open. In the opened window you can select the network interface you want to use DNS-Swapper with. Then you add in your non ad-blocking DNS (e.g. your home network routers gateway IP address) and your Pi-Holes IP address. Settings are saved automatically when the tool is closed or can be triggered manually via File -> Save. That's all the configuration required. Minimize it back to the taskbar. Left clicking the icon will switch between the two DNS-Servers. A blue icon is the primary (ad-blocking) DNS-Server - a red icon the non ad-blocking DNS. If it shows a yellow exclamation mark something went wrong while switching the DNS-Servers. On Windows machines with UAC enabled a UAC warning will open every time the tool is trying to change the DNS servers (swap.exe).
Please note that this tool will currently remove all additional DNS-servers you might have configured
- Swap DNS-Server with Keyboard-Shortcut
- Don't mess with additional DNS-Servers
- IPv6 support?