In a talk with my oldest son, I wanted to show how much the details are important in the volleyball games. Then i made an little test using a simple monte carlo simulation.
- Monte-Carlo simulation
- Based only on single point probability
Based on probability of each team do only one point, an entire game was simulated n times.
➜ build git:(master) ✗ ./simvolei 0.5 100000
[##################################################] 100% 0.818s
Done! 49817 50183
➜ build git:(master) ✗ ./simvolei 0.51 100000
[##################################################] 100% 0.82s
Done! 60127 39873
➜ build git:(master) ✗ ./simvolei 0.55 100000
[##################################################] 100% 0.744s
Done! 90229 9771