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pmhatre edited this page Nov 10, 2014 · 2 revisions

WikiData Collection

As part of the data collection process, Solr requests are collected and enqueued into a queue system for temporary storage until the Thoth Core indexes them inside the Thoth index.

Collect Data

Each Solr instance is responsible of collecting its own data and sending it to the queue system.
This can be done in multiple ways - but the current out of the box solution for Thoth is :

  • Using a Solr Component/Handler to collect Solr Requests
  • Using Apache ActiveMQ as the queue system

Collect Inside Solr


Use solr2activemq as the component or handler to collect solr requests. Configuration

Please refer to solr2activemq readme for configuration and setup Queue System

Apache ActiveMQ is an open source messaging system.
Once an ActiveMQ broker is running, just configure the collector to send messages to that broker.