Official TrueNAS Chia Docker Container
Current Versions:
docker run --name <container-name> -d ixsystems/chia-docker:latest
(optional -v /path/to/data:/data)
(optional -v /path/to/plots:/plots)
# chia
# plotman
# chia_plot
# bladebit
# plotng-server
# plotng-client
Timezones can be configured using the TZ
env variable. A list of supported time zones can be found here
-e TZ="America/Chicago"
You can modify the behavior of your Chia container by setting specific environment variables.
To ensure that your chia config settings and sycned blockchain persist, you can pass in a directory for /data
-v /path/to/data:/data
To use your own keys, place your secret mnemonic into a file and pass as arguments on startup.
-v /path/to/key/file:/path/in/container -e keys="/path/in/container"
or pass keys into the running container
docker exec -it <container-name> venv/bin/chia keys add
To start a farmer only node pass
-e farmer="true"
To start a harvester only node pass
-e harvester="true" -e farmer_address="addres.of.farmer" -e farmer_port="portnumber" -v /path/to/ssl/ca:/path/in/container -e ca="/path/in/container"
To start the bot in farmer mode (Logs stored in /farmr/log.txt)
-e farmr="farmer"
To start the bot in harvester mode (Logs stored in /farmr/log.txt)
-e farmr="harvester"
To start the Chiadog agent (Config file in /data/chiadog/config.yaml)
-e chiadog="true"
To start the plotman tool in daemon mode (Logs stored in /data/plotman/daemon.log)
-e plotman="true"
NOTE: You should make sure plotman is configured properly first
The plots_dir
environment variable can be used to specify the directory containing the plots, it supports PATH-style colon-separated directories.
docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia plots add -d /plots
docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia show -s -c
docker run -d --expose=58444 --expose=8555 -e testnet=true --name <container-name> ixsystems/chia-docker:latest
docker exec -it chia-farmer1 venv/bin/chia wallet show (follow the prompts)