This is my settings use nix.
To use this simple run the brew.bash installation shell script.
To use the apt.bash installation shell script
pacman -S --needed - < pkglist.txt
Usage | Application |
imap:mbsync smtp:msmtp gnus | |
Crypt | gnu2 sops |
Editor | Emacs, neovim |
Shell | Zsh |
Shell manager | Oh-my-zsh |
Searcher | rg, atuin |
Termial | alacritty |
Chat | QQ, Wechat, Erc |
Presentation | Reveal.js |
GTD | Org Agenda |
Notes | Org Roam |
Graph Draw | Plantuml, Ditaa, Gnuplot |
Documentation View | Dash |
Book Writing | Gitbook |
Finance | Ledger |
Auto Deploy | Systemd, Docker |
Academic Writing | Pandadoc, Org mode |
Desktop | Xmonad -> hyprland |
This is how to set up Chinese input in Ubuntu
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources "[('xkb', 'us'), ('ibus', 'Unikey')]"
I did love and enjoy the key-bindings of vim, from the day I switch from the emacs, but I switch back shortly because of the 2 main reasons.
- Emacs plugins works on my windows but the my vim got some problem and I have to dirty my configuration files so much to fixed.
- I need to use playframework for development and the emacs support ensime very well.
I move from emacs to vim then to neovim and now I am using the spacemacs, I think the configuration for everyone will become the same after long period of learning and copying from others, so it is good to give the community driven software a try.
cp /path/to/backups/*.gpg ~/.gnupg/
#Inport gpg
gpg --import-ownertrust chrisroos-ownertrust-gpg.txt