itvault is designed to:
- Keep what each part of code is used for.
- Extract selected parts on demand (with maintained files structure).
Quick introduction
App relies on simple mechanism - coloring files content. After uploading project files, permitted user(s) create blueprints - abstract elements to group code. Then user(s) with appropriate permission can use them to mark code:
![]() |
![]() |
formatDate.ts colored with Group1 blueprint |
formatDate.ts colored with Group2 blueprint |
Users with access to these workspaces (= projects) can also obtain permission to generate bundles - extracts of project consisting only of selected parts (with maintained hierarchy). Result of generating bundle with blueprints: Group1
and Group2

For short demonstration of coloring & features extraction, refer to youtube video
Please note that although app is in advanced stage (spent 1+ year), it's not complete solution. If you would like to use it (or it's parts), I'd recommend to only take backend as Vue's Composition API was taken to experiment with new approach and it still needs big refactoring. PS: I see potential in Comp API - after working out with form submit - but still prefer Options API as it requires less refactoring to achieve something fancy (at least from my POV).
- TypeScript: 4.9
- Node: v18.17
- Web framework: Express.js
- ORM framework: TypeORM
- Logger: winston
- DI: tsyringe
- Tests: Mocha (nyc, chai, sinon, supertest, testcontainers)
- File storage: local or AWS S3 (simulated with LocalStack)
- Secondary DB (store for sessions/roles): Redis
- Queues: RabbitMQ
- Schema validation: yup
- Client-Server real-time communication: Engine.io
- Mailing: mustache (renderer), nodemailer (sender), maildev (local testing)
- Authentication: currently hybrid, half on server (Redis), half on client (JWT)
- TypeScript: 4.7
- Framework: Vue 3 (experimenting with Composition API)
- State management: Pinia
- Components library: Naive UI
- Forms library: vee-validate (+yup)
- Charts library: apexcharts
- CSS: PostCSS
- E2E tests: Cypress
Install dependencies (
npm install
). -
files from.env.example
. -
Initialize docker containers from
dir.npm run dc:dev:start
Prepare database (migrations, seeders).
npm run db:setup
Start backend.
npm run dev
*To handle bundle generation & mail sending, run queues:
npm run queues:dev
Start frontend.
npm run dev
# Super user (all permissions) email: head.admin@itvault.dev password: 1234 # Member email: member@itvault.dev password: 1234
Note that default setup uses local files storage. To check out AWS S3 (through LocalStack):
Stop backend.
env variable toaws
. -
Start LocalStack.
npm run dc:localstack:start
tool and setup bucket (check README). -
Start backend (
npm run dev
). -
Upload some files to see effect:
awslocal s3api list-objects --bucket itvault-bucket
"Contents": [
"Key": "workspace-6/b6a66d7d95ad9b2b585dc0700.txt",
"LastModified": "2024-03-22T10:40:19.000Z",
"ETag": "\"02003d02d9dab50aead91ee0ddad97ed\"",
"Size": 710,
"StorageClass": "STANDARD",
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "webfile",
"ID": "75aa57f09aa0c8caeab4f8c24e99d10f8e7faeebf76c078efc7c6caea54ba06a"
"RequestCharged": null
- Files created through seeders won't be reachable.
- When running free version of LocalStack, data is not persistent.
Initialize docker containers from
dir.npm run dc:prod:start
. -
Prepare database (migrations, seeders).
npm run db:setup
Create super user account manually or create production seeder.
Start backend.
npm run prod
*To handle bundle generation & mail sending, run queues:
npm run queues:prod
Unit tests
npm run test:unit
Integration tests
# NODE_ENV=test
npm run testcontainers:up
npm run test:integration
npm run testcontainers:down
E2E tests
# 1. Setup
# (backend)
# NODE_ENV=test
npm run testcontainers:up
npm run db:setup
# (frontend)
npm run build # or build-only
# 2. Run
npm run test:e2e
# 3. Clean up
npm run testcontainers:down
- store files locally or in cloud
- [role] - [permission] granular access system
- global chat with configurable depth
- mail system with mustache and nodemailer
- hybrid API versioning (branch ✅, query ✅, leaf ⛔)
- real-time client-server communication with Engine.io
- workspace insights
- strong typing (e.g. schema <-> controller relation)
Plus sessions management, seeders (via typeorm-extension), hybrid authentication - half on client (JWT), half on server (Redis)
- rework all "ids" to UUID not only to improve security but simplify integration tests
- create modular variant of project
- ability to preview users of specific role
- mobile variant of client
- create separate app for management (admin)
- finish real-time communication events
- listen to release pull requests (develop -> main) and then create new variants according to PR data
- check if there is option to train AI of workspace code to determine which parts refer to which blueprint
- ability to edit file content while maintaining colorings structure at the same time
- ability to preview few lines of version when reviewing files for Bundle generation
- job that removes files if they do not have entry in database
- monitor status of each endpoint
- define "parent" permission (can't update children permissions if parent is disabled)
- Workspace - Files tab - rename/delete directory
- Workspace - Files tab - icons matching file extension
- Granular permissions (TODO)
- Hybrid API versioning (TODO)
- TypeORM or something different (TODO)
- Integration tests "Probata" API (TODO)
- Composition API - try or not to try
- Client-server communication using Engine.io
- https://vuejs.org/api/sfc-script-setup.html
- Node.js x TypeScript target mapping
- Customize Vite config
- alternative to "module-alias" (taken from Kehrlann)