🔭 I’m currently working on secure-pass and nomo-durga
🌱 I’m currently learning react, node, firebase, cybersecurity
💬 Ask me about python, JavaScript and SQL
📫 Reach me at: ayan1805.business@gmail.com
🔭 I’m currently working on secure-pass and nomo-durga
🌱 I’m currently learning react, node, firebase, cybersecurity
💬 Ask me about python, JavaScript and SQL
📫 Reach me at: ayan1805.business@gmail.com
A full-stack web application where you can: 1. Check the strength of your password and/or generate a strong password. 2. Add/read/modify/delete a secret text (like API keys, passwords,etc.) with a …
JavaScript 1
A Command Line Interface (CLI) tool for accessing weather data of a location, AQI of a location, converting coordinates (latitude, longitude) to its location and vice-versa.
A frontend web application containing the list of all the famous Durga Puja pandals and their locations in Kolkata. Made using React and Google My Maps.
Forked from Research-Nexas/Unify
A web application that seamlessly connects students and researchers with stakeholders in a collaborative research ecosystem.
Forked from Jagroop2001/Pages-A-Book-Shop-Website