Project to have fun with OpenGL in Haskell. This was my first Haskell program. Before this I was fiddling with project-euler only. I'm kind of proud that this was my fist Haskell program AND first OpenGL program at the same time.
A lot can be done better. For example there are almost no top level type signatures.
This project needs GLUT dev to be installed on the system.
stack build
stack exec glxgears-haskell
hold 'r' to reverse gears rotation
stack exec glxheart-haskell
use 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l' to rotate the heart.
Just fork it and send me a pull request.
Written in 2008. Added stack in 2016. Very little changes needed after 8 years of Haskell development.
MIT: Take it, use it, keep my name on it.