This is my ALX Bootcamp portfolio project which I completed before being awarded a certification in Software Engineering.
NotR is a simple but powereful utility note-taking tool that allows individuals and academians to quickly pen down their thoughts down as they come to them.
Some of the key features I thought were nice to-haves include:
- Responsive design using EJS layouts that adapts to different screen sizes
- Interactive navigation that routes to diffeernt pages (About, Features, Sign up, Logout
- Google Auth signup/sign in for security
- MongoDB to store and retrieve saved notes
- Dashboard design with features including -- Quick Note creation -- Editing and updating notes -- Delete note -- Pagination in case of multiple notes
1. Clone the repository: git clone
2. Install the dependencies: yarn
3. Start the development server: yarn dev
- NodeJS
- Bootstrap
- EJS Layouts
- MongoDB
- Google Auth20 and PassportJS
The design for my project was inspired by the Lamar Dev
- The icons used on were from React Icons
Feel free to reuse and make modifications...It's Open!
If you have any questions or feedback about my portfolio website, please feel free to contact me at