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Mobile - Onboarding (Part 2)

Due by March 31, 2025 80% complete


Part 2 - Connect, FW, Security, Authenticity, Choose create or recover

  1. DASHBOARD: As a user either coming from the Data collection or Biometrics screen, I would like to see the Dashboard screen so I can (1) connect my Trezor or (2) sync and track my coins

    • CTAs available
    • [Connect] your Trezor
    • [Sync & Track] my coins
  2. CONNECT: As a user in the


Part 2 - Connect, FW, Security, Authenticity, Choose create or recover

  1. DASHBOARD: As a user either coming from the Data collection or Biometrics screen, I would like to see the Dashboard screen so I can (1) connect my Trezor or (2) sync and track my coins

    • CTAs available
    • [Connect] your Trezor
    • [Sync & Track] my coins
  2. CONNECT: As a user in the Dashboard screen selecting CTA [Connect], I would like to see the Connect screen

    • CTAs available
    • [Cross icon] close the screen
    • [Question mark icon]
    • Conditionals
    • If the users clicks on [Question mark icon], they will go to Connect my Trezor overlay
  3. UNLOCK: As a user that is on the Connect screen and I connect my newly Trezor hardware wallet (T2B1, T3B1, T3T1), I would like to see the Unlock screen with my newly connected device, for which I can either (1) Get started or (2) State that his is not my device

    • CTAs available
    • [Start] setting up Trezor Hardware wallet
    • [Not my device]
    • [Cross icon] close the screen
  4. NOT SURE: As a user that is on the Unlock screen and clicks on CTA [Not my device], I would like to see the Not sure screen where I can see information on what to do next and (1) contact support or (2) go back.

    • CTAs available
    • Contact [Support]
    • [Back]
    • Conditionals
      • If the user clicks on [Support], the user will be re-directed to:
      • If the users clicks on [Back], the user will go back to prior screen. This can we either Unlock Trezor screen, Security check screen (with the state of the stepper remembered)
  5. SECURITY CHECK: As a user that is on the Unlock screen and clicks on CTA [Start], I would like to see Security check screen with three section stepper (1) Trusted source, (2) Holographic seal, (3) Packaging

    • CTAs available in each stepper
      • [Yes] to continue
      • [I am not sure]
    • Conditionals
    • If the user clicks on [Yes] they will continue to the next stepper
    • If the user is on (1) Trusted source, they can check resellers at URL:
    • If the user is on (2) Holographic sea, they can check it click on the hyperlink that opens the Holographic seal overlay
  6. SECURITY CHECK - holographic seal: As a user on the Holographic seal overlay, I would like to be informed how to verify the seal and how to proceed if it was damaged.

    • CTAs available
    • Conditionals
    • If the user clicks outside of the overlay, they will go back to the Security check screen on the second stepper (2) Holographic seal
  7. FIRMWARE INSTALLATION: As a user after completing the Security check check and my device does not have firmware, I would like to see the Firmware installation screens next

    • Screen states
    • Preparing your Trezor
    • Installing firmware
    • Restarting Trezor
    • Firmware Installed
    • CTAs available in Firmware installed state
    • [Continue]
  8. FIRMWARE - I FEEL STUCK: As a user in the Firmware installation screen and If the Installing firmware state last for more than 30 seconds, I would like to be informed what do next

    • CTAs available
    • [I feel stuck]
    • Conditionals
    • If the user clicks on the CTA [I feel stuck] that will lead to an Feeling stuck overlay
    • If the user is on the Feeling stuck overlay, they can close the overlay either by (1) clicking to the CTA [Got it] or (2) anywhere outside of the overlay and go back to the Installing firmware state
  9. UPDATE FIRMWARE: As a user after completing the Security check check and my device does have an older firmware, I would like to see the Update firmware screen next

    • CTAs available
    • [Update] firmware
    • [Skip] for now
  10. UPDATE FIRMWARE INSTALLATION: As a user that clicks on CTA [Update] on the Update firmware screen, then they will see continue on your Trezor screen

    • Conditionals
    • Once the user agrees on their Trezor to update firmware, then they will follow the Firmware installation screens (check section 10)
  11. AUTHENTICATE DEVICE: As a user that successfully finishes the Firmware Installation OR Updating firmware, I would like to see next Continue on your Trezor screen to Authenticate device

  12. AUTHENTICITY CHECK SUCCESS: As a user, If the device authenticity checks passes, the user will see the Authenticity check success screen

    • CTAs available
    • [continue]
  13. AUTHENTICITY CHECK FAILED: As a user that is checking the device authenticity and if this one fails, the user will see the Authenticity check failed screen and eject the device

    • CTAs available

    • Contact [Support]

      • [Close]
    • Conditionals

      • If the user clicks on [Support], the user will be re-directed to:
      • If the user clicks on [Close], they will go to the Dashboard screen
  14. TREZOR DISCONNECTED: As a user, if my phone losses connection with the Trezor hardware (disconnection, ejects, or defective cable), then I would like to see the Trezor disconnected screen

    • CTAs available
    • [Reconnect] Trezor
    • [Cancel]
    • Conditionals
    • If the user clicks on CTA [Reconnect], they will see the Connect screen
    • If the user clicks on CTA [Cancel], they will see the Dashboard screen
  15. CANCEL SET UP: As a user, if I click on the cross icon (top left) in any of the steps, I would like to see the confirm cancelation overlay

    • CTAs available
    • [Cancel]
    • [Continue] with set up
    • Conditionals
      • If the user clicks on CTA [Cancel], they will see the Dashboard screen
      • If the user clicks on CTA [Continue], they will continue the setup

Remembering choices when:

  • If the user return to any previous screen, they will find their earlier choices intact and ready for review or modification
  • If the user kills the app while going through a flow, the choices made will be forgotten