A Game Jam Game
This game was created by Me (Travis Valenti) and Craig Smith (kpaiy) overnight in love2d. It's a bullet hell where you're a square who has to throw circles at other squares while avoiding the circles they throw at you. You can also place large amounts of 'matter' (corpses) to provide cover against fire.
Enemy types include:
- Fast as heck dude
- Dude who looks like a collectible
- Big tough dude
- Viktor Von Deathenstein (aka Deathy McDeathface)
- Sniperty Snipe
- Joe Square
- Probably more
Weapons include:
- Carpy pistol
- Timmy Gun
- Big Circlernator
- Deathinator 5000
- Deathinator 5001: Sniper Edition
- Probably more
After each wave the difficulty increases and a new enemy type is added. To get new weapons you need to pick them up off their associated enemy type