This is the openHAB2 binding for an Enigma2 STB
After installing the binding into the your openHAB2 distribution, you can start discovering your devices through the PaperUI GUI (btw: see discovery hints on the bottom of this document).
After discovering and configuring the device through the web GUI you may use it. To access them, the 'classical openHAB1 way', trough the items / sitemaps / rules way. Here a few samples for the configuration:
From the items/enimga2.items file:
Switch Enigma2_Power "Power: [%s]" <switch> { channel="enigma2:device:IPADDRESS:power" }
Dimmer Enigma2_Volume "Volume: [%d %%]" <volume> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:volume" }
Number Enigma2_Volume "Volume: [%d %%]" <volume> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:volume" }
Switch Enigma2_Mute "mute: [%s]" <volume_mute> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:mute" }
String Enigma2_PlayerControl "Mode: [%s]" <text> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:playerControl" }
String Enigma2_Channel "Zone: [%s]" <text> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:channel" }
String Enigma2_RemoteKey "RemoteKey: [%s]" <text> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:remoteKey" }
String Enigma2_SendMessage "RemoteKey: [%s]" <text> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:sendMessage" }
String Enigma2_SendWarning "RemoteKey: [%s]" <text> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:sendWarning" }
String Enigma2_SendQuestion "RemoteKey: [%s]" <text> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:sendQuestion" }
Switch Enigma2_GetAnswer "RemoteKey: [%s]" <switch> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:getAnswer" }
String Enigma2_nowPlayingTitle "Preset: [%s]" <text> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:nowPlayingTitle" }
String Enigma2_nowPlayingDescription "Key Code: [%s]" <text> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:nowPlayingDescription" }
String Enigma2_nowPlayingDescriptionExtended "Album: [%s]" <text> { channel="benigma2:device:IPADDRESS:nowPlayingDescriptionExtended" }
A simple sitemap sitemaps/enimga2.sitemap:
sitemap demo label="Enigma2 Test Items"
Frame label="Enigma2" {
Switch item=Enigma2_Power
Slider item=Enigma2_Volume
Setpoint item=Enigma2_Volume
Switch item=Enigma2_Mute
Text item=Enigma2_PlayerControl
Text item=Enigma2_Channel
Text item=Enigma2_RemoteKey
Text item=Enigma2_SendMessage
Text item=Enigma2_SendWarning
Text item=Enigma2_SendQuestion
Switch item=Enigma2_GetAnswer
Text item=Enigma2_nowPlayingChannel
Text item=Enigma2_nowPlayingTitle
Text item=Enigma2_nowPlayingDescription
Text item=Enigma2_nowPlayingDescriptionExtended
If you need support or have new idea's please use the openHAB cummunity to post the requests.
At the moment not really stable Devices that should be found are -optimuss -dreambox