Work In Progress.
This project was originally started as a C#/WPF port of a blog editing client called "BlogWrite" developed in Delphi language. Currently, there are two apps called "FeedDesk" and "BlogDesk" developed in C#/WinUI3 and both use the same core source code. This is a source code only repo.
A desktop feed reader. (work in progress)
from Microsoft Store.
- Atom 0.3
- The Atom Syndication Format (Atom 1.0)
- RDF Site Summary (RSS 1.0)
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
- media
- hatena
- dc
- iTunes
- Feed Autodiscovery.
- OPML import, export.
- Display enclosed or embeded images.
- Podcasts audio and in-app playback.
Feel free to open issues and send PRs.
- Windows 10.0.19041.0 or higher
- Visual Studio 2022 with support for .NET Desktop App UI development.
- Clone this repository.
- Open solution in Visual Studio.
- Select FeedDesk project, then compile and run.
A desktop blogging client. (under development)
- The Atom Publishing Protocol
- XML-RPC API (Blogger API, MetaWeblog API, MovableType API, and WordPress API)