A simplified key value store backed by a blockchain.
The program can support up to 5 different servers and up to 3 clients. Consensus among the 5 severs is reached through Multipaxos.
Starting a server from root folder:
//start up server with process id 1
python3 server.py 1
Starting a client from root folder:
//start up client with id 1
python3 client.py 1
Connects server or client to other running nodes.
put <key> <value>
Inputs key/value pair into the dictionary.
get <key>
Retreives value of given key from dictionary.
failLink <src> <dest>
Simulates a link failure between two server nodes.
fixLink <src> <dest>
Fixes the link failure between two server nodes.
User may have to restart environment to avoid "address already in use" error.