gRPCMock is a protobuf plugin that allows you to create implementation of a mock server for each RPC service defined in your protobuf file.
First, install the plugin
go install
Make sure you can execute protoc-gen-grpcmock
(go binaries should be in the PATH
environment variable)
Next, add the plugin to your compilation tool.
If you use protoc
protoc -I/path/to/your/proto --go_out=paths=source_relative:/path/to/your/proto --go-grpc_out=paths=source_relative,require_unimplemented_servers=false:/path/to/your/proto --grpcmock_out=paths=source_relative:/path/to/your/proto /path/to/your/proto/test.proto
If you use buf
version: v1
- plugin:
out: .
- paths=source_relative
- plugin:
out: .
- paths=source_relative
- require_unimplemented_servers=false
- plugin: grpcmock
out: .
- paths=source_relative
Now, after the compilation you'll see <proto_file_name>_grpcmock.pb.go
file for each protobuf file with gRPC.
Each file
For the sake of the example, let's assume we have a protobuf file svc.proto
with the following content:
(you can find the file in the tests
syntax = "proto3";
package grpcmock.example;
option go_package = "";
service ExampleService {
rpc ExampleMethod(ExampleMethodRequest) returns (ExampleMethodResponse);
message ExampleMethodRequest {
string req = 1;
message ExampleMethodResponse {
string res = 1;
Compile the proto using buf
After the compilation, you'll see a new file svc_grpcmock.pb.go
In your test file, first create a new mock server instance:
testServer := NewExampleServiceMockServerT(t)
Then, create a normal gRPC server and register the mock server as a handler (you can assign middlewares to the server as well):
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", testSrvAddr)
require.NoError(t, err)
srv := grpc.NewServer()
go func() {
// Register the mock server as a handler
RegisterExampleServiceServer(srv, testServer)
// Start the server
require.NoError(t, srv.Serve(lis))
Now, you can use the mock server to define the behavior of the server:
// Define the default return value for an RPC
testServer.Configure().ExampleMethod().DefaultReturn(&ExampleMethodResponse{Res: "default-response"}, nil)
// Define the return value for an RPC with a specific request
testServer.Configure().ExampleMethod().On(mocker.Any(), &ExampleMethodRequest{Req: "some-request-that-should-be-matched"}).Return(&ExampleMethodResponse{Res: "response-that-will-be-returned-if-request-matched"}, nil)
As you can see in the code block above, you have 2 main functions to define the behavior of the mock server:
- DefaultReturn - defines the default return value for an RPC. If the request doesn't match any of the defined return values, the default return value will be returned.
- On+Return - defines the return value for an RPC with a specific request. If the RPC request matches the defined request,
the defined return value will be returned.
The parameters given to theOn
function can implement mocker.Matcher (line #9) interface. If the parameter doesn't implement theMatcher
interface, theeqMatcher
will be used by default.
is a matcher that checks if the request is equal to the given parameter usingreflect.DeepEqual
or by usingproto.Equal
in case the 2 compared objects are protobuf messages.