(Another) experiment to keep track of all the things I don't know. When learning or reading something new and see something that is intriguing (or don't immediately understand), I jump into a research frenzy, end up with min. 15 new chrome pages, save the bookmarks, and then struggle to find them among thousands. Worst case, I redo the whole thing a couple more times in the future. (For example, I saw a twitter post about Beaker Browser, went to the docs, jumped to IPFS, then to DAT, then to Pijul and so on.)
The notion:
- Open an issue with the topic of interest
- Start adding links and notes during my altered state of mind
- Somehow make this work in the long run
To the extent possible under law,
Attila Gulyas
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
Knowledge Gaps.
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United States.