The code (or framework) presented on this page is a fully parallel framework for conducting very large scale topology optimziation on structured grids. For more details see
Updated and refactored to remove dependence of in all other classe, June, 2019, Niels Aage
To clone repository:
git clone
NOTE: The code requires PETSc version 3.11.0 or newer ! Also note that the code is not tested against the development branch on git.
This code has been tested on:
- Linux systems including: Ubuntu 18.04, Red hat enterprise linux 8
This code requires the following external software to work:
- PETSc version 3.11.4 or earlier (though never than 3.8.x)
- Requires LAPACK/BLAS
- Requires MPI
Compile following rules in makefile_ref
Normal compilation time of framework, e.g. 4s: "make topopt -j"
Run the base example by typing e.g.: "mpirun -np 4 ./topopt"
Postprocess results using Python 2.6: "bin2vtu #" where # refers to the iteration number
Visualize using ParaView (version 5.7 or earlier)
The expected result of the base code is the (but on a coarse mesh!) cantilever beam from: Aage, N., Andreassen, E., & Lazarov, B. S. (2015). Topology optimization using PETSc: An easy-to-use, fully parallel, open source topology optimization framework. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 51(3), 565–572.
An extension of the code including manufacturing filters/constraints can be found here: