Creates a tab / accordion system based on the window width. Uses CSS to swap viewable sections based on media query to avoid heavy window resize event.
- Toggle size for tab switch to accordion must be set in the CSS as well as the JS.
- headerBarID 'tabcord-headerBar' - string: the display where the list shows in tab mode
- headerClass '.tabcord-title' - string: the headers that will act as buttons
- dispClass .tabcord-disp' - string: class for display items
- activeClass 'active' - string: class to append to active items
- selectFirst true - boolean: Select first item in list on initialize
- toggleWidth 700 - number: window size to swap between accordion and tabs
- hideSpeed 200 - number: speed in milliseconds to hide current list
- showSpeed 600 - number: speed in milliseconds to show new list
- beforeShowFunc none - function: to run before show
- afterShowFunc none - function: function to run after show
- changeDispContent ( jquery element ) - pass in a jquery instance of the element you wish to activate
$( '#myID' ).tabcordion();
The styles are compiled to CSS, but the base code was written using SASS. This allows for variables, mixins, modularized CSS, and more. You can learn more about SASS at
- Ensure you have Sass by opening terminal and typing: sass -v
- Navigate to the base folder of this repo tabcordion
- Run: sass --watch styles:styles
- move to transit or other hardware accelerated animation option
- allow an active item to be initially set via JS or class on HTML item
- if click during an animation, track final one so that we can trigger it on completion
none yet
The MIT License (MIT)