Official code of the paper Data-Efficient 3D Visual Grounding via Order-Aware Referring.
- (Oct. 2024) The paper has been accepted to the WACV'25 as a main conference paper.
This paper presents a data-efficient 3D visual grounding framework, Vigor, which leverages the referential order to achieve high grounding accuracy using only a small amount of point cloud-description pairs. Vigor utilizes LLMs to exploit the referential order of a natural language description. The extracted referential order points from the anchor objects to the target object and helps Vigor gradually locate the correct target object through customized transformer blocks. We further propose an order-aware warm-up method to pre-train the model. Vigor surpasses many previous full-data models using only 1% of the training data.
conda create -n vigor python=3.6.9
conda activate vigor
conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 torchaudio==0.10.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
git clone
cd Vigor
pip install -e .
cd referit3d/external_tools/pointnet2
python install
Please follow the data preparation of referit3d. After that, you should have processed pkl scannet files and referit3d csv files. You can also download the already-splitted csv files from referit3d benchmark. We have put our referential-order-contained csv files under $ROOT_DIR$/Vigor/referit3d/data/csv_data.
Our referential-order-contained csv files are named as {dataset_name}\_{split}\_LLM\_step4\_{class number}\_{percentage}.csv
. The class number is that, since the LLM raw outputs are not restricted, we project outputs to a predefined object class name pool. 485 is the pool adopted by BUTD-DETR. The directory Vigor/order_data_generation contains files used to generate our referential-order-contained csv files.
To warm-up the model as illustrated in our paper:
python scripts/ \
-scannet-file $PATH_OF_SCANNET_FILE$ \
-referit3D-file 'none' \
--bert-pretrain-path 'bert-base-uncased' \
--log-dir logs/warmup/ \
--n-workers 2 \
--unit-sphere-norm True \
--batch-size 24 \
--encoder-layer-num 3 \
--decoder-layer-num 4 \
--decoder-nhead-num 12 \
--gpu '0'\
--view_number 4 \
--rotate_number 4 \
--label-lang-sup True \
--multilabel-pretraining True \
--cascading True \
--order-len 4 \
--max-train-epochs 300
After this, you will get a warm-up model under logs/warmup/ named as best_model.pth
, which is used in the next step training.
To train on NR3D or SR3D dataset:
python scripts/ \
-scannet-file $PATH_OF_SCANNET_FILE$ \
-referit3D-file $PATH_OF_CSV_FILE$ \
--resume-path $PATH_OF_WARMUPED_PTH_FILE$ \
--bert-pretrain-path 'bert-base-uncased' \
--log-dir logs/train/ \
--n-workers 2 \
--unit-sphere-norm True \
--batch-size 24 \
--encoder-layer-num 3 \
--decoder-layer-num 4 \
--decoder-nhead-num 8 \
--gpu '0' \
--view_number 4 \
--rotate_number 4 \
--label-lang-sup True \
--fine-tune True \
--multilabel-pretraining True \
--lang-multilabel True \
--cascading True \
--order-len 4 \
--max-train-epochs 100
After each epoch of the training, the program automatically evaluates the model performance and saves the last model in the training as last_model.pth
and the best model as best_model.pth
To test on NR3D or SR3D dataset:
python scripts/ \
--mode evaluate \
-scannet-file $PATH_OF_SCANNET_FILE$ \
-referit3D-file $PATH_OF_CSV_FILE$ \
--resume-path $PATH_OF_TRAINED_PTH_FILE$ \
--bert-pretrain-path 'bert-base-uncased' \
--log-dir logs/test/ \
--n-workers 2 \
--unit-sphere-norm True \
--batch-size 24 \
--encoder-layer-num 3 \
--decoder-layer-num 4 \
--decoder-nhead-num 8 \
--gpu '0' \
--view_number 4 \
--rotate_number 4 \
--label-lang-sup True \
--multilabel-pretraining True \
--lang-multilabel True \
--cascading True \
--order-len 4 \
--mode evaluate
title={Data-Efficient 3D Visual Grounding via Order-Aware Referring},
author={Wu, Tung-Yu and Huang, Sheng-Yu and Wang, Yu-Chiang Frank},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},
Our code is mainly built on ReferIt3D and MVT. Thanks for their excellent work!