KingCoin - a hybrid scrypt PoW + PoS based cryptocurrency.
Official Website: Source Code:
- alog: Keccak 512 + Chacha + Keccak 256
- Coin Control features: control which coin to send, avoid to send those coins that have bigger coin age, this features will save the interest of your coins, to enable this function, you must select "Display coin control features (experts only!)" under menu options.
- P2P port: 33332, RPC port: 33333
- Total coins: 0.1 billion
- 60 seconds a block
- Reward per block: maximum reward is 8 coins, minimum reward is 1 coins, the block reward varies based on the diff and hash power
- Annual interest: 0.32%
- No premine
- Mining need 128 confirm, transaction need 4 confirm
- Min stake age: 8 days, max stake age: 32 days
- support of more than 40 languages