How to play locally:
yarn install
yarn play
You can run yarn play --help
to see available parameters for the game:
$ yarn play
Usage: play [options]
-l, --length <number> length of the word (default: 5)
-g, --guesses <number> maximum number of guesses (default: 6)
-p, --player <type> player of the game (choices: "ai", "human", default: "human")
-e, --evaluator <type> evaluator of player's guesses (choices: "random", "human", default: "random")
-h, --help display help for command
If you want to let the AI play against a random word generator:
yarn play -p ai
If you want to think of a word and let the AI guess it:
yarn play -p ai -e human
If you want to guess a randomly generated word yourself:
yarn play