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Enable your Python Django web app to sign in users and call Microsoft Graph with the Microsoft identity platform
This sample demonstrates a Python Django web app that signs in users to your Azure AD tenant, obtains an access token to call MS Graph with the Microsoft identity platform

Enable your Python Django web app to sign in users and call Microsoft Graph with the Microsoft identity platform


This sample demonstrates a Python Django web app that signs in users and obtains an access token for calling Microsoft Graph. It uses the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Python.



  1. This Web application uses MSAL for Python to sign-in a user and obtains an Access Token for Microsoft Graph from Azure AD:
  2. The Access Token proves that the user is authorized to access the Microsoft Graph API endpoint as defined in the scope.


File/folder Description
AppCreationScripts/ Scripts to automatically configure Azure AD app registrations.
Sample/ The sample app's code.
Sample/ The sample app's settings. Includes MSAL configurations
Sample/ The sample app's settings for deploying to Azure (covered in the deployment chapter)
Sample/ Some helper functions to display redirect_uri, filter ID tokens for the frontend
Sample/ The sample app's routes
Sample/ The sample app's settings
requirements.txt Dependencies required by the app are listed here Django management script List of changes to the sample. Guidelines for contributing to the sample.
LICENSE The license for the sample.


  • Python 3.8
  • A virtual environment to install packages listed in requirements.txt
  • An Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant. For more information on how to get an Azure AD tenant, see How to get an Azure AD tenant
  • A user account in your own Azure AD tenant. This sample will not work with a personal Microsoft account. If have not yet created a user account in your AD tenant yet, you should do so before proceeding.


Step 1: Clone or download this repository

From your shell or command line:

git clone
cd 2-Authorization-I/call-graph

or download and extract the repository .zip file.

Step 2: Install project dependencies

  1. navigate to the project folder
  2. activate a Python 3 virtual environment
  3. install project dependencies
  • In Linux/OSX via the terminal:
  cd cd <the-direcotory-of-this-readme-file>
  python3 -m venv venv # only required if you don't have a venv already
  source venv/bin/activate
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  • In Windows via PowerShell:
  cd cd <the-direcotory-of-this-readme-file>
  python3 -m venv venv # only required if you don't have a venv already
  Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process -Force
  . .\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
  pip install -r requirements.txt

Register the sample application(s) with your Azure Active Directory tenant

There is one project in this sample. To register the app on the portal, you can:

  • either follow manual configuration steps below
  • or use PowerShell scripts that:
    • automatically creates the Azure AD applications and related objects (passwords, permissions, dependencies) for you.
    • modify the projects' configuration files.
Expand this section if you want to use PowerShell automation.
  1. On Windows, run PowerShell and navigate to the root of the cloned directory

  2. In PowerShell run:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process -Force
  3. Run the script to create your Azure AD application and configure the code of the sample application accordingly.

  4. In PowerShell run:

    cd .\AppCreationScripts\
    cd ..

    Other ways of running the scripts are described in App Creation Scripts The scripts also provide a guide to automated application registration, configuration and removal which can help in your CI/CD scenarios.

Expand this section if you want to manually register and configure the application in the Azure portal.

Choose the Azure AD tenant where you want to create your applications

As a first step you'll need to:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. If your account is present in more than one Azure AD tenant, select your profile at the top right corner in the menu on top of the page, and then switch directory to change your portal session to the desired Azure AD tenant.

Register the web app (python-django-webapp-call-graph)

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft identity platform for developers App registrations page.

  2. Select New registration.

  3. In the Register an application page that appears, enter your application's registration information:

    • In the Name section, enter a meaningful application name that will be displayed to users of the app, for example python-django-webapp-call-graph.
    • Under Supported account types, select Accounts in this organizational directory only.
    • In the Redirect URI (optional) section, select Web in the combo-box and enter the following redirect URI: http://localhost:8000/auth/redirect.
  4. Select Register to create the application.

  5. In the app's registration screen, find and note the Application (client) ID. You use this value in your app's configuration file(s) later in your code.

  6. Select Save to save your changes.

  7. In the app's registration screen, click on the Certificates & secrets blade in the left to open the page where we can generate secrets and upload certificates.

  8. In the Client secrets section, click on New client secret:

    • Type a key description (for instance app secret),
    • Select one of the available key durations (In 1 year, In 2 years, or Never Expires) as per your security concerns.
    • The generated key value will be displayed when you click the Add button. Copy the generated value for use in the steps later.
    • You'll need this key later in your code's configuration files. This key value will not be displayed again, and is not retrievable by any other means, so make sure to note it from the Azure portal before navigating to any other screen or blade.
  9. In the app's registration screen, click on the API permissions blade in the left to open the page where we add access to the Apis that your application needs.

    • Click the Add permissions button and then,
    • Ensure that the Microsoft APIs tab is selected.
    • In the Commonly used Microsoft APIs section, click on Microsoft Graph
    • In the Delegated permissions section, select the User.ReadBasic.All in the list. Use the search box if necessary.
    • Click on the Add permissions button in the bottom.
    • Click the check-marked button Grant Admin Consent to grant admin consent and confirm by clicking the Yes option in the pop up box.

Configure the web app (python-django-webapp-call-graph) to use your app registration

Open the project in your IDE to configure the code.

In the steps below, "ClientID" is the same as "Application ID" or "AppId".

  1. Open the aad.config.json file
  2. Find the string {enter-your-tenant-id-here} and replace the existing value with your Azure AD tenant ID.
  3. Find the string {enter-your-client-id-here} and replace the existing value with the application ID (clientId) of the python-django-webapp-call-graph application copied from the Azure portal.
  4. Find the string {enter-your-client-secret-here} and replace the existing value with the key you saved during the creation of the python-django-webapp-call-graph app, in the Azure portal.

Running the sample

  • To run the sample, open a terminal window. Navigate to the root of the project. Be sure your virtual environment with dependencies is activated (Prerequisites).

  • On Linux/OSX via the terminal:

      cd <the-direcotory-of-this-readme-file>
      python collectstatic
      python migrate
      python runserver localhost:8000
  • On Windows:

      cd <the-direcotory-of-this-readme-file>
      python collectstatic
      python migrate
      python runserver localhost:8000
  • Navigate to http://localhost:8000 in your browser (Don't use use


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Explore the sample

  • Note the signed-in or signed-out status displayed at the center of the screen.
  • Click the context-sensitive button at the top right (it will read Sign In on first run)
  • Follow the instructions on the next page to sign in with an account in the Azure AD tenant.
  • On the consent screen, note the scopes (Graph permissions) that are being requested.
  • Note the context-sensitive button now says Sign out and displays your username to its left.
  • The middle of the screen now has an option to click for ID Token Details: click it to see some of the ID token's decoded claims.
  • Click the Call Graph button to make a call to MS Graph API's /users endpoint and fetch the details of up to 5 users in your tenant.
  • You can also use the button on the top right to sign out.
  • After signing out, click the link to ID Token Details to observe that the app displays a 401: unauthorized error instead of the ID token claims when the user is not authorized.

ℹ️ Did the sample not work for you as expected? Did you encounter issues trying this sample? Then please reach out to us using the GitHub Issues page.

About the code

This sample uses the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Python to sign in a user and obtain a token for MS Graph API. It leverages the IdentityWebPython class found in the Microsoft Identity Python Samples Common repository to allow for quick app setup.

In Sample/ class:

  1. A configuration object is parsed from aad.config.json

  2. The Azure AD configuration object are used to instantiate IdentityWebPython

    1. This must be named MS_IDENTITY_WEB
  3. The MsalMiddleware class from the ms_identity_web package is added to the project's middleware

     from ms_identity_web.configuration import AADConfig
     from ms_identity_web import IdentityWebPython
     AAD_CONFIG = AADConfig.parse_json(file_path='aad.config.json')
     MS_IDENTITY_WEB = IdentityWebPython(AAD_CONFIG)
     ERROR_TEMPLATE = 'auth/{}.html' # for rendering 401 or other errors from msal_middleware
  4. In the app's Sample/ module, the necessary MSAL endpoints are hooked up:

    msal_urls = MsalViews(settings.MS_IDENTITY_WEB).url_patterns()
    path(f'{settings.AAD_CONFIG.django.auth_endpoints.prefix}/', include(msal_urls)),
  • The above code sets up middlwares and hooks up all necessary endpoints for the authentication process into your Django app under a route prefix (/auth by default). For example, the redirect endpoint is found at /auth/redirect.

  • When a user navigates to /auth/sign_in and completes a sign-in attempt, the resulting identity data is put into the session, which can be accessed through the request object at request.identity_context_data.

  • When an endpoint is decorated with @ms_identity_web.login_required, the application only allows requests to the endpoint from authenticated (signed-in) users. If the user is not signed-in, a 401: unauthorized error is thrown, and the browser is redirected to the 401 handler.

    def a_protected_route():
      return "if you can see this, you're signed in!"

Calling MS Graph

When a user navigates to the /call_ms_graph endpoint, the following code is executed:

def call_ms_graph():
    graph = ''
    authZ = f'Bearer {ms_identity_web.id_data._access_token}'
    results = requests.get(graph, headers={'Authorization': authZ}).json()
    return render(request, 'auth/call-graph.html', context=dict(results=results))
  1. ms_identity_web.acquire_token_silently() method leverages MSAL for Python to perform a silent token acquisition and stores the result in the session. Token and other ID data is also accessible via ms_identity_web.id_data or request.identity_context_data

    1. A silent token acquisition either finds a valid access_token with the required scopes in the token cache or uses a stored refresh_token to get a new access_token from Azure AD.

    2. The scopes herein are defined in the aad.config.json file, but can be overridden by passing a scopes=["x","y"] param to the ms_identity_web.acquire_token_silently() method.

  2. The app then makes a request to the graph endpoint defined in (by default, The request has an Authorization header that carries the user's access_token in the format Bearer access_token_value_here.

  3. The response is sent to the template for rendering.


  • Scopes tell Azure AD the level of access that the application is requesting.
  • Based on the requested scopes, Azure AD presents a consent dialogue to the user upon signing in.
  • If the user consents to one or more scopes and obtains a token, the scopes-consented-to are encoded into the resulting access_token.
  • Note the scope requested by the application by referring to aad.config.json. By default, this array is set to ["User.ReadBasic.All"].
  • This particular MS Graph API scope is for accessing the basic information of all user accounts in the user's tenant. The graph endpoint for accessing this info is
  • Any valid requests made to this endpoint must bear an access_token containing scope User.ReadBasic.All in the Authorization header.

Under the hood

In this sample, much of the required MSAL for Python configurations are automatically setup using utilities found in Microsoft Identity Python Samples Common. For a more direct, hands-on demonstration of the sign-in process without this abstraction, please see the code within this Python web app sample.

At a minimum, following parameters need to be provided to the MSAL for Python library:

  • The Client ID of the app
  • The Client Credential, which is a requirement for a Web (Confidential Client) Application.
  • The Azure AD Authority, which includes the Tenant ID of the AAD application in this sample's scenario.
  1. The first step of the sign-in process is to send a request to the /authorize endpoint on Azure Active Directory.

  2. An MSAL for Python ConfidentialClientApplication instance is created by ms_identity_web, like so:

    client_instance = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(
  3. The client_instance instance is leveraged to construct a /authorize request URL with the appropriate parameters, and the browser is redirected to this URL.

  4. The user is presented with a sign-in prompt by Azure Active Directory. If the sign-in attempt is successful, the user's browser is redirected back to this app's /redirect endpoint. A successful request to this endpoint will contain an authorization code.

  5. The client_instance is used to exchange this authorization code for an ID Token and Access Token from Azure Active Directory.

    token_acquisition_result = client_instance.acquire_token_by_authorization_code(authorization_code, SCOPES)
    # this sends the authorization code to Azure AD's `/token` endpoint to request a token.
  6. If the request is successful, MSAL for Python validates the signature and nonce of the incoming token. If these checks succeed, it returns the resulting id_token, access_token and plaintext id_token_claims in a dictionary. It is the application's responsibility to store these tokens securely.

Deploy to Azure

Follow this guide to deploy this app to Azure App Service.

More information

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Use Stack Overflow to get support from the community. Ask your questions on Stack Overflow first and browse existing issues to see if someone has asked your question before. Make sure that your questions or comments are tagged with [azure-active-directory ms-identity adal msal].

If you find a bug in the sample, please raise the issue on GitHub Issues.

To provide a recommendation, visit the following User Voice page.


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Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

My Define module

On the basis of the official template, the functions of disabling accounts in batches and querying whether jobtitles and accounts are enabled in batches have been added.


调用Microsoft Graph接口



MIT, MIT licenses found

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