This API is meant to configure and manage Assimbly flows. For example by sending data from a database to a message broker.
- Connector: A collection of flows
- Flow: connects endpoints
- Endpoint: A source or destination
Currently the API is build on top of Apache Camel.
A flow is configured with key-values. The key-values are stored in a Java Treemap Multiple flows in a connector can be configure with a list of Treemaps.
The easiest way to generate the Treemap is to convert it from an file (XML, JSON and YAML are supported). Another possibility is using the GUI of Assimbly Gateway.
The API simplifies common management tasks. The following lifecycle management actions are supported:
- start
- stop
- restart
- pause
- resume
The project is build with maven (mvn install). After building you can call the API from your Java application like this:
Connector connector = new CamelConnector(flowID, configurationUri);
Connector connector = new CamelConnector();
connector.setFlowConfiguration(flowId, mediatype, flowConfiguration);
The following XML configuration moves files from a one directory to another.
Connector connector = new CamelConnector("example", "file://C:/conf/conf.xml");
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
For a longer XML example see the wiki.