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Add support for linting a range of commits natively
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
This allows user to specify a range of commits using the --commits
cli option. It currently accepts either an individual commit hash
(eg: gitlint --commits 6f29bf8) or a range of commits using the git
range syntax (eg: gitlint --commits 9c6f70d...HEAD).

Fixes jorisroovers#14.
  • Loading branch information
tommyip committed Mar 11, 2017
1 parent 6f29bf8 commit 3a0c001
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 4 changed files with 105 additions and 99 deletions.
24 changes: 19 additions & 5 deletions gitlint/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ def build_config(ctx, target, config_path, c, extra_path, ignore, verbose, silen
@click.option('-c', multiple=True,
help="Config flags in format <rule>.<option>=<value> (e.g.: -c T1.line-length=80). " +
"Flag can be used multiple times to set multiple config values.") # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
@click.option('--commits', default="HEAD", help="The range of commits to lint. [default: HEAD]")
@click.option('-e', '--extra-path', help="Path to a directory with extra user-defined rules",
type=click.Path(exists=True, resolve_path=True, file_okay=False, readable=True))
@click.option('--ignore', default="", help="Ignore rules (comma-separated by id or name).")
Expand All @@ -79,14 +80,14 @@ def build_config(ctx, target, config_path, c, extra_path, ignore, verbose, silen
@click.option('-d', '--debug', help="Enable debugging output.", is_flag=True)
def cli(ctx, target, config, c, extra_path, ignore, verbose, silent, debug):
def cli(ctx, target, config, c, commits, extra_path, ignore, verbose, silent, debug):
""" Git lint tool, checks your git commit messages for styling issues """

# Get the lint config from the commandline parameters and
# store it in the context (click allows storing an arbitrary object in ctx.obj).
config, config_builder = build_config(ctx, target, config, c, extra_path, ignore, verbose, silent, debug)

ctx.obj = (config, config_builder)
ctx.obj = (config, config_builder, commits)

# If no subcommand is specified, then just lint
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
Expand All @@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ def lint(ctx):
if sys.stdin.isatty():
# If target has not been set explicitly before, fallback to the current directory
gitcontext = GitContext.from_local_repository(
gitcontext = GitContext.from_local_repository(, ctx.obj[2])
stdin_str = ustr(
gitcontext = GitContext.from_commit_msg(stdin_str)
Expand All @@ -117,8 +118,21 @@ def lint(ctx):

# Let's get linting!
linter = GitLinter(lint_config)
violations = linter.lint(last_commit)
number_of_commits = len(gitcontext.commits)
first_violation = True

for commit in gitcontext.commits:
violations = linter.lint(commit)
if violations:
# Display the commit hash & new lines intelligently
if number_of_commits > 1 and commit.sha:
click.echo(u"{0}Commit {1}:".format(
"\n" if not first_violation or commit is last_commit else "",
first_violation = False

exit_code = min(MAX_VIOLATION_ERROR_CODE, len(violations))

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92 changes: 47 additions & 45 deletions gitlint/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,26 +54,18 @@ class GitCommit(object):
In the context of gitlint, only the git context and commit message are required.

def __init__(self, context, message, date=None, author_name=None, author_email=None, parents=None,
def __init__(self, context, message, sha=None, date=None, author_name=None, author_email=None, parents=None,
is_merge_commit=False, changed_files=None):
self.context = context
self.message = message
self.sha = sha = date
self.author_name = author_name
self.author_email = author_email = date

# parent commit hashes
if not parents:
self.parents = []
self.parents = parents

self.parents = parents or []
self.is_merge_commit = is_merge_commit

if not changed_files:
self.changed_files = []
self.changed_files = changed_files
self.changed_files = changed_files or []

def __unicode__(self):
format_str = u"Author: %s <%s>\nDate: %s\n%s" # pragma: no cover
Expand All @@ -88,7 +80,8 @@ def __repr__(self):
def __eq__(self, other):
# skip checking the context as context refers back to this obj, this will trigger a cyclic dependency
return isinstance(other, GitCommit) and self.message == other.message and \
self.author_name == other.author_name and self.author_email == other.author_email and \
self.sha == other.sha and self.author_name == other.author_name and \
self.author_email == other.author_email and \ == and self.parents == other.parents and \
self.is_merge_commit == other.is_merge_commit and self.changed_files == other.changed_files # noqa

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,10 +110,12 @@ def from_commit_msg(commit_msg_str):
return context

def from_local_repository(repository_path):
def from_local_repository(repository_path, refspec="HEAD"):
""" Retrieves the git context from a local git repository.
:param repository_path: Path to the git repository to retrieve the context from
:param refspec: The commit(s) to retrieve

context = GitContext()
# Special arguments passed to sh:
Expand All @@ -129,22 +124,44 @@ def from_local_repository(repository_path):
'_cwd': repository_path

# Get info from the local git repository
commit_msg = sh.git.log("-1", "--pretty=%B", **sh_special_args)
commit_author_name = sh.git.log("-1", "--pretty=%aN", **sh_special_args)
commit_author_email = sh.git.log("-1", "--pretty=%aE", **sh_special_args)
# %aI -> ISO 8601-like format, while %aI is strict ISO 8601, it seems to be less widely supporte
commit_date_str = sh.git.log("-1", "--pretty=%ai", **sh_special_args)
commit_parents = sh.git.log("-1", "--pretty=%P", **sh_special_args).split(" ")
commit_is_merge_commit = len(commit_parents) > 1

# changed files in last commit
changed_files_str = sh.git("diff-tree", "--no-commit-id", "--name-only", "-r", "HEAD", **sh_special_args)
sha_list = sh.git("rev-list",
# If refspec contains a dot it is a range
# eg HEAD^.., upstream/master...HEAD
'--max-count={0}'.format(-1 if "." in refspec else 1),
refspec, **sh_special_args).split()

for sha in sha_list:
# Get info from the local git repository:
raw_commit = sh.git.log(sha, "-1", "--pretty=%aN,%aE,%ai,%P%n%B",

(name, email, date, parents), commit_msg = raw_commit[0].split(","), "\n".join(raw_commit[1:])

commit_parents = parents.split(" ")
commit_is_merge_commit = len(commit_parents) > 1

# changed files in last commit
changed_files = sh.git("diff-tree", "--no-commit-id", "--name-only",
"-r", sha, **sh_special_args).split()

# "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z" -> ISO 8601-like format
# Use arrow for datetime parsing, because apparently python is quirky around ISO-8601 dates:
commit_date = arrow.get(ustr(date), "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z").datetime

# Create Git commit object with the retrieved info
commit_msg_obj = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(commit_msg)
commit = GitCommit(context, commit_msg_obj, sha=sha, author_name=name,
author_email=email, date=commit_date, changed_files=changed_files,
parents=commit_parents, is_merge_commit=commit_is_merge_commit)


except CommandNotFound:
error_msg = u"'git' command not found. You need to install git to use gitlint on a local repository. " + \
u"See on how to install git."
raise GitContextError(error_msg)
raise GitContextError(
u"'git' command not found. You need to install git to use gitlint on a local repository. "
u"See on how to install git."
except ErrorReturnCode as e: # Something went wrong while executing the git command
error_msg = e.stderr.strip()
if b"Not a git repository" in error_msg:
Expand All @@ -153,21 +170,6 @@ def from_local_repository(repository_path):
error_msg = u"An error occurred while executing '{0}': {1}".format(e.full_cmd, error_msg)
raise GitContextError(error_msg)

# "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z" -> ISO 8601-like format
# Use arrow for datetime parsing, because apparently python is quirky around ISO-8601 dates:
commit_date = arrow.get(ustr(commit_date_str), "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z").datetime

# Create Git commit object with the retrieved info
changed_files = [changed_file for changed_file in changed_files_str.strip().split("\n")]
commit_msg_obj = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(commit_msg)
commit = GitCommit(context, commit_msg_obj, author_name=commit_author_name, author_email=commit_author_email,
date=commit_date, changed_files=changed_files, parents=commit_parents,

# Create GitContext info with the commit object and return

return context

def __eq__(self, other):
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12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions gitlint/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,14 +37,12 @@ def test_version(self):
def test_lint(self, sys, sh):
sys.stdin.isatty.return_value = True

def git_log_side_effect(*args, **_kwargs):
return_values = {'--pretty=%B': u"commït-title\n\ncommït-body", '--pretty=%aN': u"test åuthor",
'--pretty=%aE': u"test-email@fö", '--pretty=%ai': "2016-12-03 15:28:15 01:00",
'--pretty=%P': u"åbc"}
return return_values[args[1]]
def git_log_side_effect(*_args, **_kwargs):
return (u"test åuthor,test-email@fö,2016-12-03 15:28:15 01:00,åbc\n"

sh.git.log.side_effect = git_log_side_effect
sh.git.return_value = u"file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n"
sh.git.side_effect = ["6f29bf81a8322a04071bb794666e48c443a90360", u"file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n"]

with patch('gitlint.display.stderr', new=StringIO()) as stderr:
result = self.cli.invoke(cli.cli)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,7 +198,7 @@ def test_generate_config_negative(self):
def test_git_error(self, sys, sh):
sys.stdin.isatty.return_value = True
sh.git.log.side_effect = CommandNotFound("git")
sh.git.side_effect = CommandNotFound("git")
result = self.cli.invoke(cli.cli)
self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, self.GIT_CONTEXT_ERROR_CODE)

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76 changes: 34 additions & 42 deletions gitlint/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,28 +12,27 @@
class GitTests(BaseTestCase):
def test_get_latest_commit(self, sh):
def git_log_side_effect(*args, **_kwargs):
return_values = {'--pretty=%B': u"cömmit-title\n\ncömmit-body", '--pretty=%aN': u"test åuthor",
'--pretty=%aE': u"test-emå", '--pretty=%ai': u"2016-12-03 15:28:15 01:00",
'--pretty=%P': u"åbc"}
return return_values[args[1]]
sample_sha = "d8ac47e9f2923c7f22d8668e3a1ed04eb4cdbca9"

def git_log_side_effect(*_args, **_kwargs):
return (u"test åuthor,test-emå,2016-12-03 15:28:15 01:00,åbc\n"

sh.git.side_effect = [sample_sha, u"file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n"]
sh.git.log.side_effect = git_log_side_effect
sh.git.return_value = u"file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n"

context = GitContext.from_local_repository(u"fake/påth")
expected_sh_special_args = {
'_tty_out': False,
'_cwd': u"fake/påth"
# assert that commit info was read using git command
expected_calls = [call('-1', '--pretty=%B', _cwd=u"fake/påth", _tty_out=False),
call('-1', '--pretty=%aN', _cwd=u"fake/påth", _tty_out=False),
call('-1', '--pretty=%aE', _cwd=u"fake/påth", _tty_out=False),
call('-1', '--pretty=%ai', _cwd=u"fake/påth", _tty_out=False),
call('-1', '--pretty=%P', _cwd=u"fake/påth", _tty_out=False)]

self.assertListEqual(sh.git.log.mock_calls, expected_calls)
expected_calls = [
call("rev-list", "--max-count=1", "HEAD", **expected_sh_special_args),
call.log(sample_sha, "-1", "--pretty=%aN,%aE,%ai,%P%n%B", _cwd=u"fake/påth", _tty_out=False),
call('diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', sample_sha, **expected_sh_special_args)
self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls)

last_commit = context.commits[-1]
self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.title, u"cömmit-title")
Expand All @@ -44,36 +43,32 @@ def git_log_side_effect(*args, **_kwargs):"+0100", 3600)))
self.assertListEqual(last_commit.parents, [u"åbc"])

# assert that changed files are read using git command
sh.git.assert_called_once_with('diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', 'HEAD',
self.assertListEqual(last_commit.changed_files, ["file1.txt", u"påth/to/file2.txt"])

def test_get_latest_commit_merge_commit(self, sh):
def git_log_side_effect(*args, **_kwargs):
return_values = {'--pretty=%B': u"Merge \"foo bår commit\"", '--pretty=%aN': u"test åuthor",
'--pretty=%aE': u"test-emå", '--pretty=%ai': u"2016-12-03 15:28:15 01:00",
'--pretty=%P': u"åbc def"}
return return_values[args[1]]
sample_sha = "d8ac47e9f2923c7f22d8668e3a1ed04eb4cdbca9"

def git_log_side_effect(*_args, **_kwargs):
return (u"test åuthor,test-emå,2016-12-03 15:28:15 01:00,åbc def\n"
u"Merge \"foo bår commit\"")

sh.git.side_effect = [sample_sha, u"file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n"]
sh.git.log.side_effect = git_log_side_effect
sh.git.return_value = u"file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n"

context = GitContext.from_local_repository(u"fåke/path")
expected_sh_special_args = {
'_tty_out': False,
'_cwd': u"fåke/path"
# assert that commit info was read using git command
expected_calls = [call('-1', '--pretty=%B', _cwd=u"fåke/path", _tty_out=False),
call('-1', '--pretty=%aN', _cwd=u"fåke/path", _tty_out=False),
call('-1', '--pretty=%aE', _cwd=u"fåke/path", _tty_out=False),
call('-1', '--pretty=%ai', _cwd=u"fåke/path", _tty_out=False),
call('-1', '--pretty=%P', _cwd=u"fåke/path", _tty_out=False)]
expected_calls = [
call("rev-list", "--max-count=1", "HEAD", **expected_sh_special_args),
call.log(sample_sha, "-1", "--pretty=%aN,%aE,%ai,%P%n%B", _cwd=u"fåke/path", _tty_out=False),
call('diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', sample_sha, **expected_sh_special_args)

self.assertListEqual(sh.git.log.mock_calls, expected_calls)
self.assertEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls)

last_commit = context.commits[-1]
self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.title, u"Merge \"foo bår commit\"")
Expand All @@ -84,45 +79,42 @@ def git_log_side_effect(*args, **_kwargs):"+0100", 3600)))
self.assertListEqual(last_commit.parents, [u"åbc", "def"])

# assert that changed files are read using git command
sh.git.assert_called_once_with('diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', 'HEAD',
self.assertListEqual(last_commit.changed_files, ["file1.txt", u"påth/to/file2.txt"])

def test_get_latest_commit_command_not_found(self, sh):
sh.git.log.side_effect = CommandNotFound("git")
sh.git.side_effect = CommandNotFound("git")
expected_msg = "'git' command not found. You need to install git to use gitlint on a local repository. " + \
"See on how to install git."
with self.assertRaisesRegex(GitContextError, expected_msg):

# assert that commit message was read using git command
sh.git.log.assert_called_once_with('-1', '--pretty=%B', _tty_out=False, _cwd=u"fåke/path")
sh.git.assert_called_once_with("rev-list", "--max-count=1", "HEAD", _tty_out=False, _cwd=u"fåke/path")

def test_get_latest_commit_git_error(self, sh):
# Current directory not a git repo
err = b"fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git"
sh.git.log.side_effect = ErrorReturnCode("git log -1 --pretty=%B", b"", err)
sh.git.side_effect = ErrorReturnCode("git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD", b"", err)

with self.assertRaisesRegex(GitContextError, u"fåke/path is not a git repository."):

# assert that commit message was read using git command
sh.git.log.assert_called_once_with('-1', '--pretty=%B', _tty_out=False, _cwd=u"fåke/path")

sh.git.assert_called_once_with("rev-list", "--max-count=1", "HEAD",
_tty_out=False, _cwd=u"fåke/path")
err = b"fatal: Random git error"
sh.git.log.side_effect = ErrorReturnCode("git log -1 --pretty=%B", b"", err)
sh.git.side_effect = ErrorReturnCode("git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD", b"", err)

expected_msg = u"An error occurred while executing 'git log -1 --pretty=%B': {0}".format(err)
expected_msg = u"An error occurred while executing 'git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD': {0}".format(err)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(GitContextError, expected_msg):

# assert that commit message was read using git command
sh.git.log.assert_called_once_with('-1', '--pretty=%B', _tty_out=False, _cwd=u"fåke/path")
sh.git.assert_called_once_with("rev-list", "--max-count=1", "HEAD",
_tty_out=False, _cwd=u"fåke/path")

def test_from_commit_msg_full(self):
gitcontext = GitContext.from_commit_msg(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample1"))
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