This "pocket" manila kube is based on the original manila kube, but whereas the original deploys Kubernetes nodes on VMs running in an OpenStack cloud, this pocket version uses kind to deploy on a single target machine. Currently a single VM is also deployed on that target machine, using Vagrant with the libvirt VM, for a minimal devstack.
After the deployment the target machine has a kind based Kubernetes cluster with a single control plane node and three workers:
[stack@c7 ~]$ kind get clusters
[stack@c7 ~]$ kubectl get nodes
manila-kube-control-plane Ready master 15h v1.16.3
manila-kube-worker Ready <none> 15h v1.16.3
manila-kube-worker2 Ready <none> 15h v1.16.3
manila-kube-worker3 Ready <none> 15h v1.16.3
Manila-csi plugins and the partner NFS csi node plugin are deployed:
[stack@c7 ~]$ kubectl get all
pod/csi-nodeplugin-nfsplugin-ft8rl 1/1 Running 0 22h
pod/csi-nodeplugin-nfsplugin-n885l 1/1 Running 0 22h
pod/csi-nodeplugin-nfsplugin-pdfkm 1/1 Running 0 22h
pod/sharedstorage-manila-csi-controllerplugin-0 3/3 Running 0 22h
pod/sharedstorage-manila-csi-nodeplugin-8tfzg 2/2 Running 0 22h
pod/sharedstorage-manila-csi-nodeplugin-fcppm 2/2 Running 0 22h
pod/sharedstorage-manila-csi-nodeplugin-pdt2f 2/2 Running 0 22h
service/kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 22h
service/sharedstorage-manila-csi-controllerplugin ClusterIP <none> 12345/TCP 22h
daemonset.apps/csi-nodeplugin-nfsplugin 3 3 3 3 3 <none> 22h
daemonset.apps/sharedstorage-manila-csi-nodeplugin 3 3 3 3 3 <none> 22h
statefulset.apps/sharedstorage-manila-csi-controllerplugin 1/1 22h
The kubectl and kind commands as used above are installed as well as manila and openstack clients. To use the latter source the adminrc or demorc credential files stored under ~/manila-kube-workspace/Vagrant on the target machine:
[stack@c7 ~]$ source manila-kube-workspace/Vagrant/adminrc
[stack@c7 ~]$ manila service-list
| Id | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at |
| 1 | manila-share | ubuntu-devstack@cephfsnfs1 | manila-zone-0 | enabled | up | 2020-01-07T01:07:35.000000 |
| 2 | manila-scheduler | ubuntu-devstack | nova | enabled | up | 2020-01-07T01:07:34.000000 |
| 3 | manila-data | ubuntu-devstack | nova | enabled | up | 2020-01-07T01:07:36.000000 |
[stack@c7 ~]$ source manila-kube-workspace/Vagrant/demorc
[stack@c7 ~]$ manila list
| ID | Name | Size | Share Proto | Status | Is Public | Share Type Name | Host | Availability Zone |
| 8ae07748-ce94-42a9-852b-92dba7d0cf9e | share1 | 1 | NFS | available | False | cephfsnfstype | | manila-zone-0 |
[stack@c7 ~]$
These clients interact with a minimal devstack in which only Manila and the services it requires (like Keystone) are deployed. (If you want to run a fuller OpenStack, edit roles/setup_devstack_vm/files/local.conf and update roles/setup_devstack_vm/files/Vagrantfile to allocate more resources to the devstack VM).
Copy inventory.yml.sample to inventory.yml
Edit inventory.yml to indicate the target machine or machines where you want manila kube deployed, the non-root user there who will own the deployment, the target machine workspace, etc.
Run ansible-playbook site.yml to deploy manila kube.
You can create pvcs and pods using them using manifests like those in the cloud provider openstack source under examples/manila-csi-plugin/nfs/dynamic-provisioning/
Source for the cloud provider openstack repository is cloned under ~/manila-kube-workspace/src/ on the deployment target:
[stack@c7 ~]$ cd manila-kube-workspace/src/
[stack@c7 cloud-provider-openstack]$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
You can modify/patch the manila-csi source code here and run ansible-playbook redeploy-manila_csi.yml to rebuild the manila-csi image with the changes and redeploy the manila-kube k8s cluster with the updated image. We re-deploy the K8s cluster rather than just reloading the image in order to avoid test bugs due to state in the cluster prior to the image change. It's pretty fast with a kind cluster -- takes a bit over 5 minutes on my laptop.
To patch or modify manila itself, login to the VM running devstack manila:
[stack@c7 ~]$ cd manila-kube-workspace/Vagrant
[stack@c7 Vagrant]$ vagrant ssh
Last login: Mon Jan 6 02:00:42 2020 from
vagrant@ubuntu-devstack:~$ ls /opt/stack/manila
api-ref bindep.txt CONTRIBUTING.rst doc HACKING.rst lower-constraints.txt manila.egg-info rally-jobs releasenotes setup.cfg test-requirements.txt tox.ini
babel.cfg contrib devstack etc LICENSE manila playbooks README.rst requirements.txt tools
On the VM, you can modify the manila source code at /opt/stack/manila or cherry-pick pending reviews, etc. Run sudo systemctl restart devstack@m* on the devstack VM to run with your changes.
If you need to tear down the devstack VM itself and rebuild you can run ansible-playbook redeploy-devstack-vm.yml.
To run these playbooks as is you need to be able to ssh to target machines as a regular, non-root user with passwordless sudo privileges. This is the regular_user defined in inventory.yml for each target host defined there, and may or may not be the same as the user running the playbook. (To run the bootstrap the user running the playbook must be able to ssh to the target, of course, and will need to be able to sudo on the target, but does not need to be in wheel group, etc.)
This user can be set up by running
ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml --extra-vars "ansible_become_pass=SECRETPASSWORD"
when the regular_user defined in inventory.yml is not the same as the user running the playbook and/or when that user is not yet set up on the remote machine with appropriate privileges.
I've deployed against CentOS 7 and Fedora 29 and Fedora 31 targets. More RAM on the target is better, but it worked for me on an 8GB RAM CentOS 7 machine.
kind does not yet work with podman yet, so we need to install docker. Fedora 31 ships with cgroups v2, which is currently docker-incompatible. So with Fedora 31 and higher you need to revert to cgroups v1 on the target machine before running this playbook, as explained in the Fedora project wiki.
If you want to deploy on other targets, open a github issue on this repository and I'll try to help make it happen.
Devstack installs a lot of software via pip. In order to avoid polluting the target machine, we install devstack in a VM rather than on the target machine itself.
devstack's setup script is not idempotent. If you have failures you may need to run vagrant to blow away the VM and re-run the deployment. See the convenience tags in site.yml.
golang executables and shell scripts don't have library dependencies the so are deployed directly on the target machine at /usr/local/bin or ~/bin so they don't conflict or overwrite system installs.
We install the python manilaclient and openstack client on the target machine for convenience but do user pip installs so everything is under ~/.local and does not overwrite any system installed software.
Try deploying Ceph outside of devstack via Rook/Ceph (probably in an independent but kind-deployed K8s cluster, de-coupled from the manila-kube k8s cluster).
Eliminate the devstack VM, incrementally
Run Manila and Keystone in containers, ideally in their own K8s cluster
Maybe run the OpenStack database and rabbitmq in containers in the K8s cluster with Manila and Keystone, maybe on the target host (deployed via rpms).