sitesStatsCalls := client.SitesStatsCalls()
- Count Site Calls
- Get Site Calls Summary
- List Site Troubleshoot Calls
- Search Site Calls
- Troubleshoot Site Call
Count by Distinct Attributes of Calls
ctx context.Context,
siteId uuid.UUID,
distrinct *models.CountSiteCallsDistrinctEnum,
rating *int,
app *string,
start *string,
end *string) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
siteId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
distrinct |
*models.CountSiteCallsDistrinctEnum |
Query, Optional | Default: "mac" |
rating |
*int |
Query, Optional | feedback rating (e.g. "rating=1" or "rating=1,2") Constraints: >= 1 , <= 5 |
app |
*string |
Query, Optional | - |
start |
*string |
Query, Optional | - |
end |
*string |
Query, Optional | - |
ctx := context.Background()
siteId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
distrinct := models.CountSiteCallsDistrinctEnum("mac")
apiResponse, err := sitesStatsCalls.CountSiteCalls(ctx, siteId, &distrinct, nil, nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
"distinct": "string",
"end": 0,
"limit": 0,
"results": [
"count": 0,
"property": "string"
"start": 0,
"total": 0
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Summarized, aggregated stats for the site calls
ctx context.Context,
siteId uuid.UUID,
apMac *string,
app *string,
start *int,
end *int) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
siteId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
apMac |
*string |
Query, Optional | AP MAC, optional |
app |
*string |
Query, Optional | app name (zoom or teams ). default is both. Optional |
start |
*int |
Query, Optional | start datetime, can be epoch or relative time like -1d, -1w; -1d if not specified |
end |
*int |
Query, Optional | end datetime, can be epoch or relative time like -1d, -2h; now if not specified |
ctx := context.Background()
siteId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
app := "zoom"
apiResponse, err := sitesStatsCalls.GetSiteCallsSummary(ctx, siteId, nil, &app, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
"bad_minutes": 5566,
"bad_minutes_client": 526,
"bad_minutes_site_wan": 3612,
"bad_minutes_wireless": 1428,
"num_aps": 1,
"num_users": 3,
"total_minutes": 575217
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Summary of calls troubleshoot by site
ctx context.Context,
siteId uuid.UUID,
ap *string,
meetingId *string,
mac *string,
app *string,
start *int,
end *int,
duration *string,
limit *int,
page *int) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
siteId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
ap |
*string |
Query, Optional | AP MAC |
meetingId |
*string |
Query, Optional | meeting_id |
mac |
*string |
Query, Optional | device identifier |
app |
*string |
Query, Optional | Third party app name |
start |
*int |
Query, Optional | start datetime, can be epoch or relative time like -1d, -1w; -1d if not specified |
end |
*int |
Query, Optional | end datetime, can be epoch or relative time like -1d, -2h; now if not specified |
duration |
*string |
Query, Optional | duration like 7d, 2w Default: "1d" |
limit |
*int |
Query, Optional | Default: 100 Constraints: >= 0 |
page |
*int |
Query, Optional | Default: 1 Constraints: >= 1 |
ctx := context.Background()
siteId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
app := "zoom"
duration := "10m"
limit := 100
page := 1
apiResponse, err := sitesStatsCalls.ListSiteTroubleshootCalls(ctx, siteId, nil, nil, nil, &app, nil, nil, &duration, &limit, &page)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
"mac": "983a78ea4a44",
"meeting_id": "b784d744-9a7c-4fad-9af0-f78858a319b1",
"results": [
"audio_in": {
"ap_num_clients": 45.48306793636746,
"ap_rtt": 6.352042701509264,
"client_cpu": 9.323452578650581,
"client_radio_band": 1.5325644097982958E-06,
"client_rssi": 17.251008563571506,
"client_tx_bytes": 1.8379177401463191,
"client_tx_rates": 10.668423069847954,
"client_tx_retries": 43.323209603627525,
"client_vpn_distance": 112.4420166015625,
"expected": 29.74261474609375,
"radio_bandwidth": -0.1533682727151447,
"radio_channel": 0.662909648484654,
"radio_util": 27.891777674357098,
"radio_util_interference": 4.38913492154744,
"site_num_clients": -0.2855822932389047,
"site_wan_avg_upload_mpbs": -0.988989942603641,
"site_wan_jitter": 0.7875519659784105,
"site_wan_rtt": 15.094849904378256,
"site_wan_upload_mpbs": -0.8131117953194512
"audio_out": {
"ap_num_clients": 45.48306793636746,
"ap_rtt": 6.352042701509264,
"client_cpu": 9.323452578650581,
"client_radio_band": 1.5325644097982958E-06,
"client_rssi": 17.251008563571506,
"client_tx_bytes": 1.8379177401463191,
"client_tx_rates": 10.668423069847954,
"client_tx_retries": 43.323209603627525,
"client_vpn_distance": 112.4420166015625,
"expected": 29.74261474609375,
"radio_bandwidth": -0.1533682727151447,
"radio_channel": 0.662909648484654,
"radio_util": 27.891777674357098,
"radio_util_interference": 4.38913492154744,
"site_num_clients": -0.2855822932389047,
"site_wan_avg_upload_mpbs": -0.988989942603641,
"site_wan_jitter": 0.7875519659784105,
"site_wan_rtt": 15.094849904378256,
"site_wan_upload_mpbs": -0.8131117953194512
"timestamp": 1695425115,
"video_in": {
"ap_num_clients": 45.48306793636746,
"ap_rtt": 6.352042701509264,
"client_cpu": 9.323452578650581,
"client_radio_band": 1.5325644097982958E-06,
"client_rssi": 17.251008563571506,
"client_tx_bytes": 1.8379177401463191,
"client_tx_rates": 10.668423069847954,
"client_tx_retries": 43.323209603627525,
"client_vpn_distance": 112.4420166015625,
"expected": 29.74261474609375,
"radio_bandwidth": -0.1533682727151447,
"radio_channel": 0.662909648484654,
"radio_util": 27.891777674357098,
"radio_util_interference": 4.38913492154744,
"site_num_clients": -0.2855822932389047,
"site_wan_avg_upload_mpbs": -0.988989942603641,
"site_wan_jitter": 0.7875519659784105,
"site_wan_rtt": 15.094849904378256,
"site_wan_upload_mpbs": -0.8131117953194512
"video_out": {
"ap_num_clients": 45.48306793636746,
"ap_rtt": 6.352042701509264,
"client_cpu": 9.323452578650581,
"client_radio_band": 1.5325644097982958E-06,
"client_rssi": 17.251008563571506,
"client_tx_bytes": 1.8379177401463191,
"client_tx_rates": 10.668423069847954,
"client_tx_retries": 43.323209603627525,
"client_vpn_distance": 112.4420166015625,
"expected": 29.74261474609375,
"radio_bandwidth": -0.1533682727151447,
"radio_channel": 0.662909648484654,
"radio_util": 27.891777674357098,
"radio_util_interference": 4.38913492154744,
"site_num_clients": -0.2855822932389047,
"site_wan_avg_upload_mpbs": -0.988989942603641,
"site_wan_jitter": 0.7875519659784105,
"site_wan_rtt": 15.094849904378256,
"site_wan_upload_mpbs": -0.8131117953194512
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Search Calls
ctx context.Context,
siteId uuid.UUID,
mac *string,
app *string,
limit *int,
start *int,
end *int,
duration *string) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
siteId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
mac |
*string |
Query, Optional | device identifier |
app |
*string |
Query, Optional | Third party app name |
limit |
*int |
Query, Optional | Default: 100 Constraints: >= 0 |
start |
*int |
Query, Optional | start datetime, can be epoch or relative time like -1d, -1w; -1d if not specified |
end |
*int |
Query, Optional | end datetime, can be epoch or relative time like -1d, -2h; now if not specified |
duration |
*string |
Query, Optional | duration like 7d, 2w Default: "1d" |
ctx := context.Background()
siteId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
app := "zoom"
limit := 100
duration := "10m"
apiResponse, err := sitesStatsCalls.SearchSiteCalls(ctx, siteId, nil, &app, &limit, nil, nil, &duration)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Troubleshoot a call
ctx context.Context,
siteId uuid.UUID,
clientMac string,
meetingId string,
mac *string,
app *string,
start *int,
end *int,
duration *string,
limit *int,
page *int) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
siteId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
clientMac |
string |
Template, Required | Constraints: Pattern: ^[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$ |
meetingId |
string |
Query, Required | meeting_id |
mac |
*string |
Query, Optional | device identifier |
app |
*string |
Query, Optional | Third party app name |
start |
*int |
Query, Optional | start datetime, can be epoch or relative time like -1d, -1w; -1d if not specified |
end |
*int |
Query, Optional | end datetime, can be epoch or relative time like -1d, -2h; now if not specified |
duration |
*string |
Query, Optional | duration like 7d, 2w Default: "1d" |
limit |
*int |
Query, Optional | Default: 100 Constraints: >= 0 |
page |
*int |
Query, Optional | Default: 1 Constraints: >= 1 |
ctx := context.Background()
siteId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
clientMac := "0000000000ab"
meetingId := "meeting_id6"
app := "zoom"
duration := "10m"
limit := 100
page := 1
apiResponse, err := sitesStatsCalls.TroubleshootSiteCall(ctx, siteId, clientMac, meetingId, nil, &app, nil, nil, &duration, &limit, &page)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
"mac": "983a78ea4a44",
"meeting_id": "b784d744-9a7c-4fad-9af0-f78858a319b1",
"results": [
"audio_in": {
"ap_num_clients": -0.6565111,
"ap_rtt": 0.16559607,
"client_cpu": 3.7028809,
"client_n_streams": 0.15803306,
"client_radio_band": 0.5576923,
"client_rssi": -1.0839354,
"client_rx_bytes": 2.2622051,
"client_rx_rates": 0.62357205,
"client_rx_retries": 0.26726437,
"client_tx_bytes": 0.15803306,
"client_tx_rates": 0.62357205,
"client_tx_retries": 0.77553505,
"client_vpn_distaince": 1.6474955,
"client_wifi_version": 0.18267937,
"expected": 30.941595,
"radio_bandwidth": -0.06538621,
"radio_channel": -0.73391086,
"radio_tx_power": 0.10027129,
"radio_util": 12.770318,
"radio_util_interference": -3.079999,
"site_num_clients": 0.017364305,
"wan_avg_download_mbps": 1.4803165,
"wan_avg_upload_mbps": -0.038184267,
"wan_jitter": 5.9680853,
"wan_max_download_mbps": 1.4803165,
"wan_max_upload_mbps": -0.038184267,
"wan_rtt": 46.77899
"audio_out": {
"ap_num_clients": -0.6565111,
"ap_rtt": 0.16559607,
"client_cpu": 3.7028809,
"client_n_streams": 0.15803306,
"client_radio_band": 0.5576923,
"client_rssi": -1.0839354,
"client_rx_bytes": 2.2622051,
"client_rx_rates": 0.62357205,
"client_rx_retries": 0.26726437,
"client_tx_bytes": 0.15803306,
"client_tx_rates": 0.62357205,
"client_tx_retries": 0.77553505,
"client_vpn_distaince": 1.6474955,
"client_wifi_version": 0.18267937,
"expected": 30.941595,
"radio_bandwidth": -0.06538621,
"radio_channel": -0.73391086,
"radio_tx_power": 0.10027129,
"radio_util": 12.770318,
"radio_util_interference": -3.079999,
"site_num_clients": 0.017364305,
"wan_avg_download_mbps": 1.4803165,
"wan_avg_upload_mbps": -0.038184267,
"wan_jitter": 5.9680853,
"wan_max_download_mbps": 1.4803165,
"wan_max_upload_mbps": -0.038184267,
"wan_rtt": 46.77899
"timestamp": 1695425115,
"video_in": {
"ap_num_clients": -0.6565111,
"ap_rtt": 0.16559607,
"client_cpu": 3.7028809,
"client_n_streams": 0.15803306,
"client_radio_band": 0.5576923,
"client_rssi": -1.0839354,
"client_rx_bytes": 2.2622051,
"client_rx_rates": 0.62357205,
"client_rx_retries": 0.26726437,
"client_tx_bytes": 0.15803306,
"client_tx_rates": 0.62357205,
"client_tx_retries": 0.77553505,
"client_vpn_distaince": 1.6474955,
"client_wifi_version": 0.18267937,
"expected": 30.941595,
"radio_bandwidth": -0.06538621,
"radio_channel": -0.73391086,
"radio_tx_power": 0.10027129,
"radio_util": 12.770318,
"radio_util_interference": -3.079999,
"site_num_clients": 0.017364305,
"wan_avg_download_mbps": 1.4803165,
"wan_avg_upload_mbps": -0.038184267,
"wan_jitter": 5.9680853,
"wan_max_download_mbps": 1.4803165,
"wan_max_upload_mbps": -0.038184267,
"wan_rtt": 46.77899
"video_out": {
"ap_num_clients": -0.6565111,
"ap_rtt": 0.16559607,
"client_cpu": 3.7028809,
"client_n_streams": 0.15803306,
"client_radio_band": 0.5576923,
"client_rssi": -1.0839354,
"client_rx_bytes": 2.2622051,
"client_rx_rates": 0.62357205,
"client_rx_retries": 0.26726437,
"client_tx_bytes": 0.15803306,
"client_tx_rates": 0.62357205,
"client_tx_retries": 0.77553505,
"client_vpn_distaince": 1.6474955,
"client_wifi_version": 0.18267937,
"expected": 30.941595,
"radio_bandwidth": -0.06538621,
"radio_channel": -0.73391086,
"radio_tx_power": 0.10027129,
"radio_util": 12.770318,
"radio_util_interference": -3.079999,
"site_num_clients": 0.017364305,
"wan_avg_download_mbps": 1.4803165,
"wan_avg_upload_mbps": -0.038184267,
"wan_jitter": 5.9680853,
"wan_max_download_mbps": 1.4803165,
"wan_max_upload_mbps": -0.038184267,
"wan_rtt": 46.77899
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |