orgsNACPortals := client.OrgsNACPortals()
- Create Org Nac Portal
- Delete Org Nac Portal
- Delete Org Nac Portal Image
- Download Org Nac Portal Saml Metadata
- Get Org Nac Portal
- Get Org Nac Portal Saml Metadata
- List Org Nac Portal Sso Latest Failures
- List Org Nac Portals
- Update Org Nac Portal
- Update Org Nac Portal Tempalte
- Upload Org Nac Portal Image
Create Org NAC Portal
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
body *models.NacPortal) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
body |
*models.NacPortal |
Body, Optional | - |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
body := models.NacPortal{
AccessType: models.ToPointer(models.NacPortalAccessTypeEnum("wireless")),
CertExpireTime: models.ToPointer(365),
EapType: models.ToPointer(models.NacPortalEapTypeEnum("wpa2")),
Name: models.ToPointer("get-wifi"),
Ssid: models.ToPointer("Corp"),
apiResponse, err := orgsNACPortals.CreateOrgNacPortal(ctx, orgId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
"access_type": "wireless",
"cert_expire_time": 365,
"enable_telemetry": true,
"expiry_notification_time": 2,
"name": "get-wifi",
"notify_expiry": true,
"ssid": "Corp",
"sso": {
"idp_cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIFZjCCA06gAwIBAgIIP61/1qm/uDowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQE\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"idp_sign_algo": "sha256",
"idp_sso_url": "",
"issuer": "",
"nameid_format": "email",
"sso_role_matching": [
"assigned": "user",
"match": "Student"
"use_sso_role_for_cert": true
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Delete Org NAC Portal
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
nacportalId uuid.UUID) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
nacportalId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
nacportalId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
resp, err := orgsNACPortals.DeleteOrgNacPortal(ctx, orgId, nacportalId)
if err != nil {
} else {
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Delete background image for NAC Portal
If image is not uploaded or is deleted, NAC Portal will use default image.
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
nacportalId uuid.UUID) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
nacportalId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
nacportalId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
resp, err := orgsNACPortals.DeleteOrgNacPortalImage(ctx, orgId, nacportalId)
if err != nil {
} else {
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Download Org NAC Portal SAML Metdata
Example of metadata.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" entityID="" validUntil="2027-10-12T21:59:01Z" xmlns:ds="">
<md:SPSSODescriptor AuthnRequestsSigned="false" WantAssertionsSigned="true" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<md:SingleLogoutService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="" />
<md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="" index="0" isDefault="true"/>
<md:AttributeConsumingService index="0">
<md:ServiceName xml:lang="en-US">Mist</md:ServiceName>
<md:RequestedAttribute Name="Role" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic" isRequired="true"/>
<md:RequestedAttribute Name="FirstName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic" isRequired="false"/>
<md:RequestedAttribute Name="LastName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic" isRequired="false"/>
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
nacportalId uuid.UUID) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
nacportalId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
nacportalId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
apiResponse, err := orgsNACPortals.DownloadOrgNacPortalSamlMetadata(ctx, orgId, nacportalId)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Get Org NAC Portal
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
nacportalId uuid.UUID) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
nacportalId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
nacportalId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
apiResponse, err := orgsNACPortals.GetOrgNacPortal(ctx, orgId, nacportalId)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
"access_type": "wireless",
"cert_expire_time": 365,
"enable_telemetry": true,
"expiry_notification_time": 2,
"name": "get-wifi",
"notify_expiry": true,
"ssid": "Corp",
"sso": {
"idp_cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIFZjCCA06gAwIBAgIIP61/1qm/uDowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQE\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"idp_sign_algo": "sha256",
"idp_sso_url": "",
"issuer": "",
"nameid_format": "email",
"sso_role_matching": [
"assigned": "user",
"match": "Student"
"use_sso_role_for_cert": true
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Get Org NAC Portal SAML Metadata
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
nacportalId uuid.UUID) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
nacportalId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
nacportalId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
apiResponse, err := orgsNACPortals.GetOrgNacPortalSamlMetadata(ctx, orgId, nacportalId)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
"acs_url": "",
"entity_id": "",
"logout_url": "",
"metadata": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata\" entityID=\"\" validUntil=\"2027-10-12T21:59:01Z\" xmlns:ds=\"\"><md:SPSSODescriptor AuthnRequestsSigned=\"false\" WantAssertionsSigned=\"true\" protocolSupportEnumeration=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol\"><md:NameIDFormat>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified</md:NameIDFormat><md:AssertionConsumerService Binding=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST\" Location=\"\" index=\"0\" isDefault=\"true\"/></md:SPSSODescriptor></md:EntityDescriptor>"
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Get List of Org NAC Portal SSO Latest Failures
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
nacportalId uuid.UUID,
start *int,
end *int,
duration *string,
limit *int,
page *int) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
nacportalId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
start |
*int |
Query, Optional | start datetime, can be epoch or relative time like -1d, -1w; -1d if not specified |
end |
*int |
Query, Optional | end datetime, can be epoch or relative time like -1d, -2h; now if not specified |
duration |
*string |
Query, Optional | duration like 7d, 2w Default: "1d" |
limit |
*int |
Query, Optional | Default: 100 Constraints: >= 0 |
page |
*int |
Query, Optional | Default: 1 Constraints: >= 1 |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
nacportalId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
duration := "10m"
limit := 100
page := 1
apiResponse, err := orgsNACPortals.ListOrgNacPortalSsoLatestFailures(ctx, orgId, nacportalId, nil, nil, &duration, &limit, &page)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
"results": [
"detail": "string",
"saml_assertion_xml": "string",
"timestamp": 0
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
List Org NAC Portals
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
limit *int,
page *int) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
limit |
*int |
Query, Optional | Default: 100 Constraints: >= 0 |
page |
*int |
Query, Optional | Default: 1 Constraints: >= 1 |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
limit := 100
page := 1
apiResponse, err := orgsNACPortals.ListOrgNacPortals(ctx, orgId, &limit, &page)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
"access_type": "wireless",
"cert_expire_time": 365,
"enable_telemetry": true,
"expiry_notification_time": 2,
"name": "get-wifi",
"notify_expiry": true,
"ssid": "Corp",
"sso": {
"idp_cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIFZjCCA06gAwIBAgIIP61/1qm/uDowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQE\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"idp_sign_algo": "sha256",
"idp_sso_url": "",
"issuer": "",
"nameid_format": "email",
"sso_role_matching": [
"assigned": "user",
"match": "Student"
"use_sso_role_for_cert": true
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Update Org NAC Portal
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
nacportalId uuid.UUID,
body *models.NacPortal) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
nacportalId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
body |
*models.NacPortal |
Body, Optional | - |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
nacportalId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
body := models.NacPortal{
AccessType: models.ToPointer(models.NacPortalAccessTypeEnum("wireless")),
CertExpireTime: models.ToPointer(365),
EapType: models.ToPointer(models.NacPortalEapTypeEnum("wpa2")),
Name: models.ToPointer("get-wifi"),
Ssid: models.ToPointer("Corp"),
apiResponse, err := orgsNACPortals.UpdateOrgNacPortal(ctx, orgId, nacportalId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Printing the result and response
"access_type": "wireless",
"cert_expire_time": 365,
"enable_telemetry": true,
"expiry_notification_time": 2,
"name": "get-wifi",
"notify_expiry": true,
"ssid": "Corp",
"sso": {
"idp_cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIFZjCCA06gAwIBAgIIP61/1qm/uDowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQE\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"idp_sign_algo": "sha256",
"idp_sso_url": "",
"issuer": "",
"nameid_format": "email",
"sso_role_matching": [
"assigned": "user",
"match": "Student"
"use_sso_role_for_cert": true
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Update Org NAC Portal Template
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
nacportalId uuid.UUID,
body *models.NacPortalTemplate) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
nacportalId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
body |
*models.NacPortalTemplate |
Body, Optional | - |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
nacportalId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
body := models.NacPortalTemplate{
Alignment: models.ToPointer(models.PortalTemplateAlignmentEnum("center")),
Color: models.ToPointer("#1074bc"),
PoweredBy: models.ToPointer(false),
resp, err := orgsNACPortals.UpdateOrgNacPortalTempalte(ctx, orgId, nacportalId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |
Upload background image for NAC Portal
ctx context.Context,
orgId uuid.UUID,
nacportalId uuid.UUID,
file *models.FileWrapper,
json *string) (
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
orgId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
nacportalId |
uuid.UUID |
Template, Required | - |
file |
*models.FileWrapper |
Form, Optional | Binary file |
json |
*string |
Form, Optional | JSON string describing the upload |
ctx := context.Background()
orgId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
nacportalId := uuid.MustParse("000000ab-00ab-00ab-00ab-0000000000ab")
resp, err := orgsNACPortals.UploadOrgNacPortalImage(ctx, orgId, nacportalId, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
} else {
HTTP Status Code | Error Description | Exception Class |
400 | Bad Syntax | ResponseHttp400Exception |
401 | Unauthorized | ResponseHttp401ErrorException |
403 | Permission Denied | ResponseHttp403ErrorException |
404 | Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist or resource doesn’ t exist | ResponseHttp404Exception |
429 | Too Many Request. The API Token used for the request reached the 5000 API Calls per hour threshold | ResponseHttp429ErrorException |