Perform a Bayesian estimation of the Exploratory reduced Reparameterized Unified Model (‘ErRUM’) described by Culpepper and Chen (2018).
You can install errum
from CRAN using:
Or, you can be on the cutting-edge development version on GitHub using:
if(!requireNamespace("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")
To use the errum
package, load it into R using:
From there, the errum model can be estimated using:
errum_model = errum(<data>, <k>, chain_length = 10000)
James Joseph Balamuta, Steven Andrew Culpepper, and Jeffrey A. Douglas
To ensure future development of the package, please cite errum
if used during an analysis or simulation studies. Citation information
for the package may be acquired by using in R:
GPL (>= 2)