- SshClient: add ExecuteShell. (#382)
- RemoteProcess:: Support terminal allocation. (#373)
- RemoteProcess: add API to read into char[] buffers. (#375)
- RemoteProcess: support changing the terminal size. (#381)
- RemoteProcess: add SendSignal API. (#384)
- RemoteProcess: Support setting envvars for execute. (#388)
- SftpClient: Map unrecognized file types to 'WeirdFile' instead of throwing. (#370)
- SftpClient: [breaking] allow extended attributes to be binary blobs. (#372)
- SftpClient: Add interface that represents an SFTP working directory. (#389)
- SftpClient: by default, don't read any extended attributes. (#391)
Breaking changes: due to some refactorings the library is not binary compatible with the previous version. Except for the change to handle extended attributes as binary blobs, the API is source compatible.