The Canvas Course Manager (CCM) is an application that will be able to be used by instructors and the service center alike. The current functionality searches all courses for which a given user has the 'teacher' role within a given semester and allows the combination of sections via drag-and-drop interface for Service Center or point-and-click interface for LTI users. The user can also determine if the course is used before the sections are moved. In addition, the functionality for adding friend accounts is available. Not only can a 'teacher' create friend accounts for non-umich accounts, but it will also be possible to add a created friend account to a course. The service center alone will have the ability to rename a course.
git clone
cd esbUtils
$mvn clean install
git clone
cd canvas_course_manager
$mvn clean install
Copy to tomcat/webapp
Add the property files on linux box
, then in JAVA_OPTS add the
Add the following properties to
In addition to the properties below, there will also be several regular expression properties that will be used for validating Canvas or ESB API calls.
umich.friend.url= friend URL to be used
umich.friend.contactemail= Contact email used in friend template for users experiencing issues
umich.friend.referrer= URL to direct to Canvas
umich.friend.friendemail= File path to friend email template
umich.friend.requesteremail=File path to requester email
umich.friend.mailhost= always localhost
umich.friend.subjectline= Subject line for friend email
lti.url= URL to launch LTI tool
call.type= Either 'canvas' or 'esb'
stub.test= 'true' or 'false' email for sending emaild
sis.polling.attempts=number of attempts to poll canvas default =10
sis.polling.sleeptime=often times(in seconds) to poll canvas default=60000
umich.sis.slowprocessemail=File path to requester email slowprocess-email.template
mail.debug.enabled='true' or 'false'
Add the following 9 properties to
canvas.admin.token= Canvas Token
canvas.url= Canvas URL
use.test.url= Test user authentication
ldap.server.url= ldap URL MCommunity Group
umich.friend.ksfilename= file path to the keystore file ending in pkcs12
umich.friend.kspassword= password to above keystore file
lti.key= Numeric key to launch LTI tool
lti.secret=alpha numeric secret to launch LTI tool
######ESB bus Propertiesesb.token.server=token server url
esb.prefix=instructors api call prefix
Invoke the following URL in your browser:
a. testUser parameter is not allowed in Prod and this is controlled by above property with value calleduse.test.url=false
b. We will enable the cosign for authentication the user so we will get remote user info through that. -
Enable application level logging using the files. Put this file in tomcat/lib directory and add the content between the
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1 log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout # Print the date in ISO 8601 format log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n # umich
For Adding Build information to the Project Release candidate populate src/main/webapps/build.txt with information about the current build (GIT commit, build time, etc.). If using Jenkins to build the application, the following script placed in the "Execute Shell" part of the "Pre Steps" section would do the job:
cd src/main/webapp if [ -f "build.txt" ]; then echo "build.txt found." rm build.txt echo "Existing build.txt file removed." else echo "No existing build.txt file found." fi touch build.txt echo "$JOB_NAME | Build: $BUILD_NUMBER | $GIT_URL | $GIT_COMMIT | $GIT_BRANCH | $BUILD_ID" >> build.txt
In order to remote debug ccm application from Openshift, do
oc port-forward' <pod-name> 5009
. 5009 is the debug port opened for doing this. More Info
If use.test.url
is true, users will be able to execute the tool as if authenticated as the user specified in the URL parameter ?testUser=uniqname
. In Production this variable is false. Based on this property property testUser is not allowed in Production.
ldap is used for authorizing the user and he needs to be part of particular Mcommunity group to be authorized to use the tool.
During development we received the following error:
Failed to create input stream: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
This error occurs when attempting to create a friend account with an unrecognized .pkc12 file which is required for the application. If this occurs, try getting a fresh copy of the .pkcs12 file.