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implemented type checker
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tk744 committed Dec 18, 2020
1 parent 64b7d39 commit b3d0c4e
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Showing 19 changed files with 502 additions and 225 deletions.
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,25 +3,24 @@ MODULES=main pprint ast eval check
MAIN=main.native # must be a module

OCAMLBUILD=ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -I $(SRC_DIR) -build-dir $(BUILD_DIR)

default: crispy
default: build


crispy: build
@echo Build OK
@$(OCAMLBUILD) $(MAIN) || echo ERROR building main native in Makefile
mv $(BUILD_DIR)/$(SRC_DIR)/$(MAIN) ./$(EXEC)

ocamlbuild -clean
rm ./crispy

test: crispy
test: build

Expand Down
Binary file modified crispy
Binary file not shown.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/
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@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
type typ =
| T_int | T_bool | T_str | T_unit
| T_any
| T_nop
| T_unit | T_int | T_bool | T_str
| T_sum of typ list
| T_product of typ list
| T_fun of typ list * typ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,16 +34,16 @@ type bop =

(* Expressions *)
type exp =
| Var of var (* variable reference *)
| Nop (* special purpose *)
| Unit (* unit *)
| Var of var * typ option (* variable reference *)
| Int of int (* literals *)
| Bool of bool
| Str of string
| Slice of exp * exp * exp
| Tuple of exp list (* tuples *)
| Slice of exp * exp * exp
| Proj of exp * exp
| Fn of var list * exp (* function value *)
| Fn of arg_list * exp (* function value *)
| App of exp * exp list (* function application *)
| Bop of bop * exp * exp (* operators *)
| Uop of uop * exp
Expand All @@ -50,6 +52,4 @@ type exp =
| AssignTuple of var list * exp list
| If of exp * exp * exp (* if expression *)

and exp_list = exp list

and arg_list = var list
and arg_list = (var * typ) list
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
open Ast
open Errors
open Eval

let raise_run_exn e msg =
raise (EvalError (msg, (Pprint.string_of_e e)))

let raise_typ_exn e msg =
raise (TypeError (msg, (Pprint.string_of_e e)))

type ctx = (var * typ) list

(* `set_typ (c, x, t)` returns the context c[x->t]. *)
let rec set_typ (c: ctx) (x: var) (t: typ) : ctx =
match c with
| [] ->
| (a,b)::z ->
if a = x then (x,t)::z
else (a,b)::(set_typ z x t)

(* `set_typs (c, xts)` returns the context c[x->t] for each (x,t) in xts. *)
let rec set_typs (c: ctx) (xts: (var * typ) list) : ctx =
match xts with
| [] ->
| (v,t)::z ->
set_typs (set_typ c v t) z

(* `check e` returns the type of the expression `e`. *)
let rec check (e: exp) : typ =
let t, c = check_exp e [] in t

and check_exp (e: exp) (c: ctx) : typ * ctx =
let raise_run_exn msg = raise_run_exn e msg in
let raise_typ_exn msg = raise_typ_exn e msg in

match e with
| Var x ->
(* `get_typ c x` returns c(x) or TypeError if x is not defined on c. *)
let rec get_typ (c: ctx) (x: var) : typ =
match c with
| [] ->
raise_typ_exn ("Untyped variable \""^x^"\"") (* T_any? *)
| (a,b)::z ->
if a = x then b
else (get_typ z x)
in get_typ c x, c
| Nop ->
T_nop, c
| Unit ->
T_unit, c
| Int n ->
T_int, c
| Bool b ->
T_bool, c
| Str s ->
T_str, c
| Tuple es ->
let ts = (fun e -> fst (check_exp e c)) es in
T_product ts, c
| Slice (e1, e2, e3) ->
let t1, c1 = check_exp e1 c in
let t2, c2 = check_exp e2 c1 in
let t3, c3 = check_exp e3 c2 in
if not ((t2 == T_int || t2 == T_nop) && (t3 == T_int || t3 == T_nop)) then
raise_typ_exn ""
match t1 with
| T_str ->
T_str, c3
| _ ->
raise_typ_exn ""
| Proj (e1, e2) ->
let t1, c1 = check_exp e1 c in
let t2, c2 = check_exp e2 c1 in
if not (t2 == T_int) then
raise_typ_exn "Projection index must be an int"
match t1 with
| T_str ->
T_str, c2
| T_product ts ->
let n =
match eval e2 with
| Int n -> n
| _ -> raise_run_exn "" (* unreachable *)
match List.nth_opt ts n with
| Some t2 ->
t2, c2
| None ->
raise_run_exn "Tuple index out of bounds"
| Errors.RuntimeError (_,_) ->
raise_run_exn "Tuple projection cannot contain a variable reference"
| _ ->
raise_typ_exn ""
| Fn (xts, e1) ->
let xs, ts = List.split xts in
let c1 = set_typs c xts in
let t1, c2 = check_exp e1 c1 in
T_fun (ts, t1), c
| App (e1, es) ->
let t1, c1 = check_exp e1 c in
match t1 with
| T_fun (ts, tr) ->
if List.length es <> List.length ts then
raise_typ_exn "" (* currying? *)
let ts' = (fun e -> fst (check_exp e c)) es in
let tts = List.combine ts ts' in
if List.length (List.filter (fun (a, b) -> a != b) tts) > 0 then
raise_typ_exn "Function arguments have incompatible types"
tr, c1
| _ ->
raise_typ_exn "Cannot apply a non-function"
| Bop (op, e1, e2) ->
let t1, c1 = check_exp e1 c in
let t2, c2 = check_exp e2 c1 in
match op with
| Add ->
if t1 <> t2 then
raise_typ_exn ""
match t2 with
| T_int | T_str ->
t2, c2
| _ ->
raise_typ_exn ""
| Sub | Mul | Div | Exp | Mod ->
if t1 == t2 && t2 == T_int then T_int, c2
else raise_typ_exn ""
| Gt | Lt | Ge | Le ->
if t1 == t2 && t2 == T_int then T_bool, c2
else raise_typ_exn ""
| And | Or ->
if t1 == t2 && t2 == T_bool then T_bool, c2
else raise_typ_exn ""
| Eq | Ne ->
if t1 <> t2 then
raise_typ_exn ""
match t2 with
| T_unit | T_int | T_bool | T_str | T_product _ ->
T_bool, c2
| __->
raise_typ_exn ""
| Uop (op, e1) ->
let t1, c1 = check_exp e1 c in
match op with
| Not ->
if t1 == T_bool then T_bool, c1
else raise_typ_exn ""
| Assert ->
if t1 == T_bool then T_unit, c1
else raise_typ_exn ""
| AssertFail -> T_unit, c1
| Seq (e1, e2) ->
let t1, c1 = check_exp e1 c in
check_exp e2 c1
| Assign (x, e1) ->
let t1, c1 = check_exp e1 c in
T_unit, set_typ c1 x t1
| AssignTuple (xs, es) ->
let ts = (fun e -> fst (check_exp e c)) es in
T_unit, set_typs c (List.combine xs ts)
| If (e1, e2, e3) ->
let t1, c1 = check_exp e1 c in
let t2, c2 = check_exp e2 c1 in
let t3, c3 = check_exp e3 c2 in
match t1 with
| T_bool ->
if t2 = t3 then t3, c3
else raise_typ_exn ""
| _ ->
raise_typ_exn ""
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/check.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
val check : Ast.exp -> Ast.typ
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
(* Errors thrown during type checking *)
exception TypeError of string * string
exception EvalError of string * string

(* Errors thrown during evaulation *)
exception RuntimeError of string * string
exception UncaughtTypeError of string * string

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