This is a Telegram Bot made to add series to Sonarr or movies to Radarr with a couple of commands. You can also communicate with your Transmission service to change its download speed. The bot has also recently changed from a ReplyKeyboard to an InlineKeboard, as you can see in the screenshots.
- Add series/movies to Sonarr/Radarr
- Get a list of all the series on Sonarr
- Change down-/uploadspeed of Transmission (Temporary Speed Limit)
- Secure bot with a password. New chats first need to authenticate
- Wrong login attempts are saved in
- Possibility to enable the Transmission-command only for admins
- Possibility to change the entrypoints of the commands
- Translated in English and Dutch
- Command to give an overview of all the other commands
These are the default commands:
: gives an overview of all the commands with their action/auth
: authenticate the chat to use this bot/start
: start adding a series or movie to Sonarr/Radarr/movie
(nl): start adding a movie to Radarr/series
(nl): start adding a series to Sonarr/allSeries
: receive a list of all the series on Sonarr/transmission
: change the down-/upload speed of Transmission from Temporary Speed Limit to normal or the other way around/stop
: stops the command you were executing. Can be used at any moment
Every command does also work if you send a message without /
and no other words before or after the entrypoint
An example of the config file (config_example.yaml
) can be found in this repository. Change it to your configuration. After you've filled in all the necessary fields, rename it to config.yaml
There is a functionality to only let admins use the transmission
command. Before you can use this, you should enable it in the config file config.yaml
. Then you need to add the admins to admin.txt
. You can add the username
or id
of the user. Every added user should be on a new line to prevent errors.
You can find the installation guides on the wikipage.